Tips to Overcome Procrastination | Islamic Approach to Productivity | Mohammed Faris

Tips to Overcome Procrastination | Islamic Approach to Productivity | Mohammed Faris

Let the Quran Speak

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@thetruthwithproof8802 - 26.09.2022 18:00

Christianity = 100 % Pure Nonsense

Jesus himself did not say l am God, despite this being the most important thing mankind needed to know to gain salvation

( I Guess Jesus was too busy with other more important matters like giving fishing lessons 🐟🐠🤦‍♂ )

@dandiaz19934 - 26.09.2022 18:15

I gotta say... theres something so icky about bringing the Productivity/self-help industry into the Muslim community. This advice is so useful, but to sell masterclasses like this feels wrong honestly. It feels like those people selling you "change your life in 3 days" seminar where they show you the secret sauce to life. This looks like the same but with Muslim rhetoric to appeal to that niche market.

@dandiaz19934 - 26.09.2022 18:19

Why not offer these services as a non-profit? Or in khutbas? Or through encouraging existing services like certified psychological counseling?

@NedimTabakovic - 26.09.2022 21:02

Cmmon aren't we waiting for Mahdi 😶

@walkingwith_dinosaurs - 28.09.2022 13:59

Our local imam got into this productivity mindset and listening to him in from my 17s to early 20s played a big part in me becoming clinically depressed and full of self blame for not being productive enough.
So it's good to be productive but don't turn it into Toxic Productivity like that imam did.

@fusionsoul - 28.09.2022 22:20

His book is great

@Moses6868 - 07.10.2022 01:24

I am literally procrastinating on doing my homework... while watching a video on overcoming procrastination... I am ridiculous.🙏

@aidasjournal - 26.10.2022 13:02

Salam Alaikom!
Subhanallah, I just cannot help myself with saying that (and Allah forgive me if I am wrong) it looks to me like the brother has what I have. And yes (Alhamdulillah MashaAllah) the stimulant Ritalin actually helps. It is literally like the glasses of my brain. So I just had to share that it actually helps! And one more tip: take ur pill half hour before u get up and voila…❤❤ (and my brain is not like trying to nail jello on the wall anymore, and Astaghfirullah if I am pro’ing something that is not okay, but it literally got my brain to actually «see» clearly. And yes ur thoughts etc gets more organized, so things gets in order too. Just wanted to shed a lil light on adhd which our own docs needs to research a bit more on. Adhd is very real, and our brains are not wired like others, so plz study this u docs❤❤

@md.shamimkabir3650 - 30.05.2024 20:19

May Allah reward U young man...
