How to Create Drop Down Lists in Cells - The Complete Excel Guide

How to Create Drop Down Lists in Cells - The Complete Excel Guide

Excel Campus - Jon

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@zwmnt5348 - 07.07.2017 11:09

Jon you are a genius an a generous soul. Thank you so much for sharing your hard work! It is very useful.

@sanjipchaudhary354 - 13.07.2017 16:11

I do not find XL campus in excel 2007?

@mhelapz7114 - 10.08.2017 00:32

thank you sir,, very helpfu....

@mingmeow6679 - 18.09.2017 05:04

It really helps, thank you very much.

@Mirat1687 - 06.10.2017 21:04

I have positive or negative number against each year. All positive numbers are tax credit which can be utilised for next 15 years. All negatives are utilisations which can be adjusted from available credit for that year.
After 15 years, balance will lapse and not available to be adjusted by any negative number.
How can this be achieved in excel?

@nabeelyusup6966 - 05.03.2018 19:08

nice search add-ins but the problem is, if you want to search for name for example the family name will not change and others col so in this case this will make the table wrong .thank

@cpro671 - 31.03.2018 14:43

Nice utility, well designed.

@sayeedrahman2397 - 10.06.2018 21:55

Thank you sir. Very helpful.

@digitalinfotreasury3213 - 18.08.2018 15:28

brilliant solution. exactly what i need. thank you.

@Ludrean - 13.09.2018 16:07


@regaadit1482 - 14.11.2018 18:12

Amazing Tools! Thank you very much for your job. Subscribed!

@zbibar316 - 27.11.2018 10:04

What is the limit of rows?

@wasimarabic7185 - 03.12.2018 21:54

Thank you so much for sharing your hard work! It is very useful.

@designerfrockforgirls5923 - 07.12.2018 06:27

tell me the shortkey to get access directly without using mouse

@siddharthbaori4559 - 16.12.2018 10:53

May God shower all his blessings on you dear John.

@deepakmirchandani1348 - 16.12.2018 18:32

Resp sir,i have learnt a lot from your valuable videos. thanks. further, in a data validation list if we give the source from name manager and if we type any thing other than the entries of the dropdown list in the dropdown cell, no error message comes. why? secondly if we want to give the source from another sheet to a drop down list, we can't do that. why? pl help

@horizoninc.1195 - 22.12.2018 12:45

Thank you sir for providing just a useful tool.

@nonameneveraname2109 - 05.01.2019 01:20

Is there a way to disable the Validation Error? In a regular data validation list I can turn off the error if I type in something that is not actually on the list. This way I can use my list but also type in any other item that may be needed. I've disabled the error that Excel pops up, but the one from the Add-In still comes up.

@Vikas_Bhalekar1989 - 09.01.2019 04:13

Thanx thanks again sir i am so happy today.. i am lot of video see for searchable drop down list.. thanks i am download this

@MohAboAbdo - 29.01.2019 22:13

Thanks ... Thanks .

@12dwrbdwk - 09.03.2019 08:35

Could you also give example for Open office spreadsheet

@tomslazdovskis202 - 10.04.2019 21:14

This is perfect! I set up the add in and tried it out in 5 mins.

@rishabhdhiman6226 - 11.05.2019 17:32

Hello sir,
It's a very good option but how to keep it always in the workbook. If it is possible to keep there it would be a great HELP.

@kodairoadkannan - 10.09.2019 07:49


@andryteddy231 - 25.09.2019 11:16

Thanks for the LIFE SAVER ADD-INS

@carolinapinto5670 - 09.12.2019 17:41

Everytime I close the program, the Ec search list disappears and I have to upload it over and over again

@anbakumar2117 - 11.03.2020 19:12

Hye sir, can I get a guidance video on searching document to view in excel by using drop box list?

@vncmra - 14.04.2020 20:17

Hi, I was looking for just that, but I needed it without having to add this new tab and make it work directly on a series of validation data on a column. Where could I find the vba code? Thank you

@aaronmichael276 - 27.05.2020 15:22

Nice, but I cannot do this on my "work" computer. :( I do not have admin privilege for install options.

@Anonymous-mz4fn - 03.07.2020 19:50

Hi there can anyone help me... ? I have excel data and have applied filtered to it.. and i want to add information to each item i. the list of filtered data. Now As list is long and I am selecting each item one by one by scrolling down. Is there any way to skip to next item in the list instead of scrolling from mouse as my list is very big and i have to go very down to select next value

@mbc1557 - 27.08.2020 09:42

Thank you Sir you save my day

@mbc1557 - 27.08.2020 09:49

How can I get more than one searchable list of menu

@richardheathcote7660 - 21.10.2020 23:04

Wonderful add in - so much easier than ANY other method I've come across. Thank you.

@yellowsubmarine7294 - 24.11.2020 13:01

Awesome! Thanks so much :)

@nagarajub4011 - 27.11.2020 07:01

Addin not sended to gmail

@najeelas - 13.03.2021 19:16

Where can I find the XL campus😭

@mbc1557 - 18.03.2021 09:38

But how it's work, I mean how to use it? In my Excel sheet

@samickjp - 07.10.2021 04:47


@jacques.wolters - 22.12.2021 00:12

I have a question I do not know how to solve.
I looked up several of your tutarials and I know how searchable dropdownlists work in 365 and older versions.
But this is something I do not know how to address or solve.

I have a data set set with 3 different columns of data.
1. Team name
2. Function name
3. Employee name

From 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3 the relation is: one to many
So every team has several same functions and every function has several same employee names.
Is there a way I can set this up so I get the following result.
a) In the first dropdownlist-selection-cel: Choose a (part of a) team (T) => result: all the functions that appear in team T are presented in the second searchable dropdownlist.
b) In the second dropdownlist-selection-cel: Choose a (part of a) function (F) => result: all the employeenames that appear in team T with function F are presented in the third searchable dropdownlist.
c) In the third dropdownlist-selection-cel: Choose (a part of) an employeename (N) => result: all the employees with that name are presented in the third searchable dropdownlist where I can make the final choice.
Result is that I have three adjacent cells with “company name”, “function name” and employee name”.

The purpose of this allis the following.
In my company managfers have to fill a form with which they aplly for more formation in their team.
We cannot provide them ourselves with new places.
They have to be added in de database by the database administration.
The database administration has standard forms with which we have to apply for adding data to the database.
This form has to provide them with a lot of information.
All the other information we can distrackt from our own database, but to be able to do so, we need the three datdatypes I named above: team name, function name and employee name.
So if I know how to set this up, I also can do that fo a database with more then 3 different datatypes (columns).

Hope someone can help me with this.

@dingles4800 - 27.01.2022 15:07

Great add-in, but why doesn't works when the drop list is loaded from INDIRECT function cell? thanks!

@ParallelIUniverse - 21.02.2022 21:57

can i run the add in through a macro assigned to a button ?

@jo46262 - 28.08.2022 17:02

thanks it is really helpful

@lnwkornchannel4993 - 30.11.2022 18:35


@rajadey1552 - 05.02.2023 16:17

Wow nice 👍 Sir

@srsharma6617 - 10.04.2023 09:46

I was using this addin in excel 2021 - but after a recent update this addin
is stopped with a note "not trusted" i opened trust centre and upticked some
boxes but this addin remains obstructed.

@karamelias9043 - 28.10.2023 11:41


@ChristopherAguilan-i3s - 25.09.2024 13:33

what version of excel you're using?
