Django Channels Tutorial : Real Time Graph with Chart.js | Django Websocket

Django Channels Tutorial : Real Time Graph with Chart.js | Django Websocket

Red Eyed Coder Club

4 года назад

28,529 Просмотров

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@omarnomad - 09.01.2021 07:46

Subscribed! I'm waiting for the series to grow! Thanks for sharing!

@jason_m2003 - 11.01.2021 01:37

Please continue this series, I love the Django tutorials!!

@aashayamballi - 12.01.2021 20:19

Thank you so much!

@pahehepaa4182 - 14.01.2021 23:40

More Django tutorials please. Your content is great and your voice is soothing too😁

@brianyeap1611 - 23.01.2021 19:27

Very good!, not sure if this is needed but I added close_code to async def disconnect(self, close_code):

@jvrosario - 28.02.2021 09:52

Can make a video content on how to deploy dj channels or celery to AWS or heroku. Love your tutorial

@thekgul - 05.03.2021 17:30

Great job, thx

@selvinkamal8458 - 10.03.2021 19:52

honestly, you are true legend. I was stuck on channel_layers for 2 days and i finally bumped into your tutorial and it resolved my issue. I am so thankful that people like you exist out there helping so many other coders. Salute.

@doditsuprianto4304 - 21.03.2021 19:38

this is the best tutorial i had read. i can see the big picture of it. although i am still lost in some pieces. good job....

@SeriousM4x - 19.04.2021 20:05

does the get_jokes function only get called when a ws client is connected or does it get jokes even when no client is connected?

@yogeshjadhav5468 - 17.05.2021 07:53

I have not seen the best way to explain celery other than this tutorial. This is gem

@syedrehanhasan - 24.05.2021 16:59

Aweomse tutorial...
I'm on django 3.2.3 and the async_to_sync gives me a syntax error. Any remedy for this?

@hongjin6179 - 27.05.2021 06:29

Good work, but I have a problem as following
INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] Task jokes.tasks.get_joke[992c532c-2b59-4023-aa5b-fc2af4d19fa8] succeeded in 0.7596530969995001s: None
No message is received. PLEASE HELP!
my env: ubuntu16, python3.9

@johnrambler8034 - 25.06.2021 15:16

sitting at my desk, pretty red eyed. but this content is good enough to still keep me awake. great job, please continue.

@successpointcollegeofficial - 27.06.2021 16:21

Sir you have cleared my confusion. My name is Alauddin. Thank you for teaching this simple way.

@matthewcragg3607 - 18.07.2021 21:37

His Javascript must have a sense of humor because it gets the joke.

@danielomotete - 28.07.2021 00:36

this tuto is awesome!

@micahtorres8658 - 28.07.2021 10:08

Could you please show how to deploy this in aws ec2 linux with nginx and gunicorn? Thank you!

@sitikantapanigrahi8621 - 04.08.2021 20:13

Can you tell me how to install redis in Windows 10

@qwerasdzxc99 - 22.08.2021 14:32


@karashvfmasih7354 - 02.09.2021 18:10

it is great that you explain the reason for every single line. great job👌

@shortcut8374 - 21.10.2021 20:44

you are the best of the best .
you cant imagine how much you did help me.
thank you sooo much

@chinyass - 08.12.2021 09:00

русские субтитры будут?😀

@anointedgeorge1646 - 23.12.2021 17:49

I thought i will never do this channels and celery again. A big thanks to you, your explanation was great and your screen very clear and bold.
Mine is perfectly working and i have started growing it more.

Thank you for this tutorial, much love.

@budi0580 - 22.01.2022 13:03

Hi bro,

If we deploy the worker, beat and websocket into 3 different machine, will it still work ?

@nootherkyle - 31.01.2022 08:52

woh this is so easy to understand compared to others

@zy.r.4323 - 20.05.2022 10:13

Thank you for this tutorial! How can I implement real-time network IP cameras stream with websockets django?

@jesperjohansson8969 - 04.07.2022 22:03

Thank you. Perfect flow, and I can keep up. Appreciate when you explain the methods, imports and packages. Why it works is so important when debugging or troubleshooting. Even some Linux flags and arguments are appreciated.

Im trying to implement Web socket on my local server for my local Django app. Im running Django on Apache. Will it be tricky with web socket on apache? (Celery and redis are already running when I have long functions)

@alexdzehil7194 - 31.07.2022 15:37

Крутой👍 Можно было бы запилить по селери развернутый урок на патреоне, со всеми подводными камнями.

@iamembs - 03.08.2022 05:32

Thank you so much for making this tutorial <3. One question though, will this Real Time Broadcasting API response App still work without using Celery and Redis (just Django Channels)?

@codepractice401 - 01.09.2022 15:46

where did you get the jokes?

@vaibhavsharma300 - 21.10.2022 15:21

hey great tutorial thanks! I have a use case where i need to send data using celery to two different groups,, however when the data is coming in too fast, one of the group out of two will get stuck. i dont knw way around it. any ideas?

@Herdogan80 - 23.10.2022 00:25

Fantastic content, thanks a lot for sharing

@gsmtechzambia3985 - 30.10.2022 14:13

In a situation where the remote API might go offline periodically, how can I check when it comes back online so that that I can open the connection? and I need to be done periodically

@MazingerZ-Koji - 18.03.2023 20:47

Very good video and explanations.

@yashinshekh802 - 24.08.2023 15:30

awesome video. just one question , is celery necessary. can we run the python code directly by setting the django_settings_module inside python script directly

@SergeiChanov-m8n - 10.12.2023 15:16

Thank you!
Мало подобного контента, спасибо большое)

@ThabeloManeta - 10.06.2024 19:42

Sir what if my view does a long calls like 2 minutes, and the other user want to request to the same view. how do i implement the thread cause it is doing this sequentially
