The Simple Approach with Ed Coan and Marty Gallagher

The Simple Approach with Ed Coan and Marty Gallagher

Starting Strength

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@dawgsmycopilot - 28.11.2017 19:55

Yes, pot belly pigs offer good exercise. I can attest to this! lol

@Not2Be0utDone - 24.12.2017 08:48

900 x 5 @ 236Lbs BW....

Let that sink in

@northpawjinx7555 - 28.12.2017 22:54

When he says "Doug", is he referring to Doug Young, Doug Hepburn or someone else entirely?

@markwurtz8759 - 28.03.2018 22:23

I met Cash, Pacifico, Bridges, and others at that gym near Dayton. There was a pit in the middle of the gym where the floor had broken through - that is where they did heavy deadlifts.

@joelnagy8291 - 11.05.2018 05:24

This is one of the greatest interviews of one of the best lifters ever. There should be a million views of this. This man has what it takes and that’s what makes a champion. Young people PLEASE listen to him.

@PassportG - 30.05.2018 00:38

Ed coan. A great man. 👍

@VladDTeach - 02.07.2018 03:53

Those chairs release testosterone

@applebitefool - 07.08.2018 19:46

Great interview, I for one think geared powerlifting only makes powerlifting foggy and numbers tough to relate to. A perfect example is how it is difficult to compare an all time great like Ed to modern lifters. I feel like the only equipment that should be allowed are knee sleeves, belt and wrist wraps.

@brucedickinson12 - 09.08.2018 16:03

marty is stuck up coans arse

@brucedickinson12 - 09.08.2018 16:05

shit bench

@6x14ludwig1992 - 15.08.2018 06:38

Ed: “He (squatted) straight upright, because he had these monster friggin’ legs...”
Marty: off camera “Because He squatted straight upright.”
Classic Marty... 😂😂😂

@tomh7326 - 17.08.2018 07:57

Eddy you look like Barney Rubbel
Get a real job

@davidt.2726 - 26.08.2018 02:50

I think Marty is a bit of an Ed Coan fangirl, but this is still a great interview

@jefferylord3068 - 16.03.2019 18:49

rippletoes loves some coan!!!

@ddomaster87 - 24.04.2019 05:10

Great interview

@BassPlayerMacsRule35 - 29.05.2019 21:25

lol Gallagher's prediction that no one will come close to Coan's 900 deadlift at 220 really did not hold

@TheLingnerFamily - 05.07.2019 01:25

I think he's talking about William of ockham regarding the simplest program. It's called Occam's razor

@csakanyroland2767 - 12.07.2019 02:13

2 legend!

@ee.es00 - 06.02.2020 00:52

Irish power.

@bbrockRailFan - 31.03.2020 01:56

When I first meet Larry back in the mid 80s he was a super nice guy. I remember joining his gym in Dayton called Muscle World back in 1988. About 2 years later his attitude totally changed and we parted ways. I remember a good 5 plus years later he was allot smaller and had moved to another location and was again a pretty nice guy. Overall for most of the time I knew him he seemed to be a very nice guy. I new when he got pissed at me he was having allot of issues at the gym and his personal life. He had gotten into some hot water of steroids. I am not dogging him I still feel he is a pretty good man. Everyone has their ups and downs. Overall he was a much nicer guy than Jim Cash. I get along ok with Jim later on but back in the late 80s he was a total prick.

@haczabim - 02.04.2020 01:35

When the war with China begins, I'd like to have people like Ed Coan and captain Kirk at the front. Even at 60 years old they'd kick ass and get the job done.

@scottgilmour749 - 15.04.2020 02:40

Man, u gotto love this.
Five six and best power lifter of all time.

@DiDakTik3r - 30.07.2020 23:39

love it

@rainman11985 - 09.08.2020 01:01

'To be that far out front of the rest of the pack' I think that distinction goes to Don Bradman, the cricketeer. His batting average is 33% higher than any other player in history.

@rainman11985 - 09.08.2020 01:05

I understand not letting a humble guy under-rate his accomplishments but this Marty guy is acting like it's his full time job to fellate Ed whether he likes it or not.

@haczabim - 14.08.2020 15:29

Sickening interview. No cookie cutters here.

@daxisperry7644 - 02.09.2020 02:16

This guy can behind-the-neck press 315 x5 and says “There were some guys who were really strong with that lift. But I’m happy with what I did.” Really? I would give my left but to just regular Press 315 for 1! XD

@treymurray4780 - 08.09.2020 22:23

Fuck this makes me wanna squat sets of five

@kylethornberry7074 - 14.10.2020 14:35

Dennis Wright rip. Great squatter.

@haczabim - 12.12.2020 20:58

wow, Rip looked really good being so lean. I bet he was running a lot back then.

@austincriss4316 - 26.02.2021 23:27

I love going back and watching older videos on this channel after following the podcast for a while. You can really see the hue of rip's skin tone progress over the years! Cheers to Rip Van Pinkle! For he is a jolly good fellow.

@steeltrap66 - 11.03.2021 20:02

I met Ed once. Nice guy. Furness gave me a handwritten workout and my lift took off. Progression type and centered on form.

@martinelles - 16.04.2021 22:17

How have I just found this video?!?! The into music brought me waaaay back.

@aldrogo7510 - 10.10.2021 03:20

Ed's individual lifts may have been exceed since this video came out ... but a 220 having the all time absolute (regardless of weight class) record total ... THAT is something I don't think we will EVER see happen again.

@nerfmadeeasy - 09.12.2021 07:52

I feel every answer Ed gave, had an undertone of "I'm not doing anything exceptionally special; I'm just strong, both mentally and physically...that's it."

@anitaholma7190 - 29.01.2022 18:00


@steroidsR4losers - 11.04.2022 08:06


@bryanfrombuffalo7685 - 12.07.2022 05:35

That intro music

@justinmuscle - 29.07.2022 16:45

Total laughable? Tf

@coachjonjiujitsu - 31.12.2022 15:38

Marty Gallagher looks like Mark Hammil if he lifted.

@jerseyjim9092 - 09.01.2023 22:12

Ed Coan used to be 6'2" tall but that was before he started deadlifting.

@JAS510 - 13.05.2023 08:14

Listening to this in my cubicle and i just want to throw my keyboard out and go lift.

@felixmahy - 18.11.2023 17:47

I don't see why wanting to have abs is so gay when Rips daily affirmation is "I'm a big strong man". In my opinion, the endeavour for man-cans is a profoundly gayer goal than wanting to have have a nicely manicured, vascular, and some times oiled mid section. To summarise, gayness ain't half bad.

@mucpatrick - 15.04.2024 18:04

MY brother train 4-6 reps. .. Why no just do 5s bro

@LouCondon-j1v - 17.05.2024 02:53

I remember starting out at Mark Chaillet's gym when Marty was there and all we had was single ply suits and our knee wraps were the new while wraps with the two God stripes. In 3 yrs at Marks I couldn't have had better teachers.
