Nobody Really Knows Where They're Going. Dry Bar Comedy

Nobody Really Knows Where They're Going. Dry Bar Comedy

Dry Bar Comedy

2 года назад

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@genevaharris2107 - 20.03.2025 09:12

I remember that I believe it was the third grade when the new mass, common core, was introduced and honestly I didn’t know anything different. But I will say this much, I was able to do math it as much as what was presented to me in class, but asked me to do any of that maths now, I can’t do it. I can still solve for X, but I don’t think I could solve anything From algebra one. I don’t even remember the stuff with para Lars and shading the graph and all of that other stuff. To me it’s haunting LOL. My parents were not trying to teach me new math or help with new math message, but my mother admitted that even when she was in school that she struggled with math and to ask my dad. My father looked at the problems and couldn’t even remember how to Solve them in the old math way and so he had to look up how to solve the problem and then put the unit question you know how to solve linear equations or complete the square type questions. He just went to the Internet. I was lucky that my parents were the type to say that they couldn’t just give me the answers. But as some of that grew up with new mask, I hate it too.

@antoinettehardy1725 - 15.03.2025 06:00

He reminds me of “Everybody Loves Raymond’s” brother on the tv show.

@MrMixolydian7 - 05.02.2025 12:03

That list of candy was epic!!

@Vincent-ke5zn - 03.02.2025 03:08

My older brother is 19 months older and my grandfather caught him pushing me down when I was learning to walk and my brother found out what instant KARMA was when grandpa spanked him

@nancyburt8791 - 02.02.2025 00:25

You are incredibly funny!!!😂

@amandakochel9890 - 12.01.2025 00:11

Bobby: I'm disappointed that I've reached out to you twice with honest questions and you have yet to respond.

@hectormarrero6911 - 20.12.2024 19:56

He's hallris 😅

@erikbrantly4015 - 23.11.2024 21:20

Just do your bit. Don't ask the crowd a bunch of questions.

@taylorgazella6597 - 17.11.2024 00:16

I’m 26 now but I remember my grandfather trying to help with my school work. He grew up in a poor community in Pennsylvania and the tiny town only had 8th grade education. He never went to high school but as a 1st grader I learned they never taught him integers and he never learned how to do them. He’s 96 now.

@christophersmith2670 - 15.11.2024 23:43

Boy them dead horses sure are takin a beating in this special.

@carolannpacificadam1944 - 31.08.2024 21:03


@chrismulligan6987 - 20.08.2024 07:47

Who's performing here; the comedian or the audience? You suck dude!!!

@cindyhunker6474 - 07.08.2024 18:21

When something works well, why twist it?

@Reman1975 - 06.08.2024 22:12

Great set. Just brilliant. Remember to give him an up vote folks.

@joycejean-baptiste4355 - 05.08.2024 19:29

Okay, Mr. Rodney Dangerfield.

@joycejean-baptiste4355 - 05.08.2024 19:26

Algebra and Trigonometry I didn't have. I did Adding, subtraction and multiplication abd a little bit of fractions.

@kimberlyc84 - 05.08.2024 12:32

The Greyhound driver!!
I nicknamed him 'Lose Tooth Rufus'🤣🤣
We had to be on the same.bus!

Only candy we got was chico sticks!

@kimberlyc84 - 05.08.2024 12:21

The decor fit right into the garage sale part🤣

@neoblakkrstal9865 - 04.08.2024 09:37

This guy is fantastic. I got to the point during the cereal bit where I could no longer breathe. Awesome man, keep rolling.

@Vincent-ke5zn - 03.08.2024 03:43

I had an older brother and younger sister and I disowned them

@drivebyquipper - 03.08.2024 02:40

If you can't do new math, you can't think. Lol!

@DouglasWilliams-z5p - 02.08.2024 16:12

This really hit home

@helenehoward6294 - 02.08.2024 15:22

My mother would by butter and margarine and switch the labels, Thinking she would eat the butter while pretending it was margarine and let us eat the margarine with the butter wrapper. Mom thought we would not tell the difference. We switched the labels back and waited to see what would happen. We ate the butter and Mom ate the margarine.

@joycejean-baptiste4355 - 31.07.2024 14:38

Funny, I got a rocking chair for free because the front leg had been knawed on by the lady's dog and nobody wanted it. So the lady said I could have it, it wouldn't sell. So I took it and carried it 2 blocks up the street to my house and have a rockin good time everyday.

@joycejean-baptiste4355 - 31.07.2024 14:26

Hahahaha, the Dollar store is now the $1 store is the $1.25 store, they went up.

@joycejean-baptiste4355 - 31.07.2024 14:13

Wow, he reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield, his voice has that cadence and his jokes are reminiscent. Funny.

@SmartMoufShirts - 09.07.2024 22:53

And you know that bus driver name was Leroy.

@SmartMoufShirts - 09.07.2024 22:48

OMG!! Best Adam West EVER!!

@SmartMoufShirts - 09.07.2024 22:42

One Halloween, my dad told me I was going as a ghost, under one of their sheets. I asked him what kind of ghost I would be. He said, "...uh, you're the... ghost of laundry past!"

@SmartMoufShirts - 09.07.2024 22:28

My kids are both great people. I'm very proud of them both. But there's no greater reward than hearing them say my words spontaneously, and not catching it until they've finished saying it. The reaction is just the most delicious morsel my ears and brain could consume.
And, when they say it to their own friends, I could cry and move on from this life. One time, my daughter turned to one of her friends and said this - "Darby, all of your choice have consequences, and you are an adult, so you own 100% of your choices consequences." The dead silence after that was like a vacuum in outer space. She simultaneously gasped, choked, screamed, and stifled a scream while she ran from the room. The other three girls just looked at each other. When one of them looked at me, I said, "My bad..."

@SmartMoufShirts - 09.07.2024 22:15

Nowadays, (yeah, I said it) my grand sons have a thing called oppositional defiance disorder - ODD. My wife won't let me talk to them because she knows I can't let something that juicy just pass by without seizing the opportunity. She says, "Don't say anything about their diagnosis!" I just ask, "What I can't mention that a professional psychiatrist officially labelled them odd?" They take medicine and sit quetly a lot now. But they can do the new math, so I stay out of it.

@Vincent-ke5zn - 06.06.2024 03:40

My (God rest her soul)bought grape nuts,BLECH 💩🤮🤢🫤👎👇

@Vincent-ke5zn - 06.06.2024 03:28

My daughter is 37 years old and she STILL DOESN'T LISTEN TO ME

@MarvinCanidateSR - 28.04.2024 16:52

Youngest of six and they were girls the youngest six years older than me. They did some cruel things to me and my dad saying don't hit her back,I'm thinking she's bigger than me

@MarvinCanidateSR - 28.04.2024 16:31

I did good with everything but math. I thought I was looking at Chinese lol😅

@donnabuckalew-wagner6431 - 22.04.2024 06:28


@StryfWyfe - 18.04.2024 02:02

Hmmmm....not clean as advertised..... Cursing and the Lord's name in vain....

@hereigoagain5050 - 15.04.2024 16:01

Sometimes I think that the PhDs in Education write course materials to impress their peers in academics and not to help kids learn. They should test their materials with parents.

@EagleOneM1953 - 19.01.2024 11:10

Funny he mentions bering taken two a steel mill. I'm originally from Europe and we had school trips to auto assembly plants or steel plants... I guess it was to encourage you to study harder because you don't want to end up in one of these to make a living. It worked for me when we visited the Renault car assembly plant in Vilvoorde seeding these workers in a dreary mind numbing routine of putting the same parts together 8 hours day.. I graduated in mechanical engineering with 78%.... And now I design scale model aircraft, my hobby and my passion where I use what I learned and profit from having learned it in the metric system...

@Nturner822 - 09.01.2024 07:08

The best was last - truly amazing 😅

@LilByrdFly2 - 09.12.2023 09:15

😅 LoL is all I can say! Love you, where have you been? Thanks for the laughs

@wandabrown2391 - 24.11.2023 17:14

This guy was awesome so funny continuously. The audience should have been roaring with laughter a dud audience . Keep up the laughs you are awesome.

@GodBlessGodBless1227 - 21.11.2023 23:28

Not funny at all.

@lindamaclaren1866 - 14.11.2023 15:54

This guy is hilarious. Personal GPS experience: "Turn right," it said as I left my driveway...I already knew right was a dead end, so I turned off the thing and have lived happily ignorant ever since!

@andrewvelonis5940 - 08.11.2023 06:40

Wow, the ending was amazing. I've been known to tell stories to an audience, so I know what rehearsing is. This guy did some work!

@wickedbird1538 - 22.10.2023 01:33

😮😮New Math is a crime against humanity.

@chebochevato8336 - 02.10.2023 16:13

Really didn't age well
The Malt-O-Meal bags of cereal are way better than the names brand these days
Cocoa pebbles with Lucky charms marshmallows in them
Honey grams Cocoa Puffs and marshmallow s'mores
Captain crunch with Lucky charms marshmallows
The other store brand boxes of generic serial are hit and miss
But the Malt-O-Meal bags are the bomb

@lovechallanges1608 - 25.09.2023 04:16

I love this guy. The last part was Golden 😂😂😂😂
