Delphi Tutorial #112 - Tab Order

Delphi Tutorial #112 - Tab Order

Alister Christie

9 лет назад

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@Mr76Pontiac - 05.12.2015 06:42

I don't like manually managing the tab order of the components I place on a form. When I statically place a component, I've always expected the tab flow to follow how English is read. Left to Right, Top to Bottom. I don't ever want to go back to a form and have to manhandle it again, which I admit would be useful for some, but never for me.

Disclaimer; This code I wrote relies on SQLite to do the sorting. Most of the tools I write deal with this database engine, so, adding an extra layer for one-time init is acceptable IMO.

I have a single stand alone function, that when passed a tForm, it'll look at every tWincontrol object and put the Top, Left, and memory location of that component into a table that sits in memory. I then do a simple "select LeftPos,TopPos,Addr from TabOrderTable order by TopPos,LeftPos' and then assign the TabIndex of the component to whatever row count I'm on.

while not tbl.eof do begin

The one thing that you mention I hadn't thought of (Because it'd never come up) is the ordering of buttons that don't follow left-to-right notation. To get around that, I'd make a form level function that'd specifically be run AFTER this main sort that'd specifically put the buttons in whatever order I wanted.

Either that, I'd change the sorting algo to support which direction the order should go, and, allow for grouping components (GroupBox, Panel, etc) to be passed in instead of a tForm.
