In this video I am going to implement a simple News Application in flutter which we fetch data from API using GetX and also follow clean architecture design.
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It's just a simple application which have one feature so using architecture in it isn't a required, but just for practicing and sharing purpose I decided to implement it with architecture.
The idea behind the clean architecture concept is to make the project scalable, easy to maintain and testable, by create separate layers and always depending on abstractions not concrete classes. One important rule is that "The inner layer never know the outside layer". In this video I've been implements in with 3 layers: Data -- Presentation --- Domain.
- Domain will know nothing about Presentation and Data layer.
- Presentation will know about domain but not data.
- Data is the outer layer of the architecture. This is where our application fetch data from API or communicate with the world.
You can learn more in depth detail about clean architecture on the internet by searching for "Clean Architecture Uncle Bob".