The Acolyte: The Apex of Trash | Part 1

The Acolyte: The Apex of Trash | Part 1

The Movie Cynic

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@kylebroussard5952 - 01.07.2024 14:41

The only reason I'm grateful for this show is because it proves affirmative action hires can ruin literally anything.

Largest, most hard-core fan base of all time? A basically infinite universe with infinite creative possibilities, and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS of plot? Give it a few years. They'll flush 99% down the toilet, to make 1% happy. Reminds you of a certain country you once loved, no?

Then they'll sit there and call you a bigot or an idiot if you don't enjoy being forceded garbage.

@IAmKAZMO - 01.07.2024 16:37

I love how "some" people think bc Samuel Jackson was the one Black Jedi... there's been a trend.... NOT.
Bc you're still panicked seeing a 2nd Black Jedi today? Don't think we didn't see how fast White Boy Lucas killed that character too. Typical...

@bofawhatsbofa4593 - 01.07.2024 18:30

Better to watch this than waste hours watching the actual show🤣

@enyuvii - 01.07.2024 19:02

That black dudes hairstyle ......this again??! 😤

@wiliestrogue2924 - 01.07.2024 23:00

There will come a time when we take the garbage out...and it's soon.

@Lordbaccus - 02.07.2024 02:48

have you considered that WD "Insured the Acolyte" for 10x what it would make @ the Box office & then proceeded to SINK the project & collect the PAY OUT... just a HUNCH but you know the Immortal Profet Kat Williams said: "I'm Juss Sayinn" !!!

@mattiascrowe2549 - 02.07.2024 04:52

The lead sith basically says you have to kill the idea of the jedi teachings, "the dream", and mae misunderstands and tries to kill the jedi without a weapon, which is when youre like "lol mae is so stupid and doesnt understand the messaging" but then you read the comments and realise that the commenters didnt understand either

@ΑνίκητοςΓιαννούδης - 02.07.2024 15:42

R2D2 is surely lesbian. He's a robot but who gives a fuck he has surely sexuality.

@Scrotumofbodom1 - 02.07.2024 18:14

Why is the make up and hair look so obviously fake, it's like when middle schoolers put on fake moustaches to play an adult

@BinaryCloudChaser - 02.07.2024 21:25

Views doenst matter: everyone watching because they are interested and u need to watch to knew what is happening in other movies.
-Its hate watching.

@brasilianischerbraunbärtiger - 02.07.2024 21:32

You can literally see the franchise dying💔

@sueandmoe - 03.07.2024 07:51

Make it stop it’s become unbearable how did this franchise sink this low. I’m done when you can only laugh at a show you once loved it’s over great job KK you must have some real dirt on Iger to still have your job that’s all I can figure. The world I grew up in you got fired when you sucked at your job.

@leileyaravencroft - 03.07.2024 14:32

Even though everyone knows (now) that Disney’s Star Wars is a huge dumpster fire of a franchise, I want everyone to remember that George Lucas, himself, made every single book, comic, and the encyclopedia non-canonical thus erasing decades of character building, world building, and multiple storylines.

Sure, Disney’s Star Wars is a hot toxic mess where they have ruined not only the main characters, they replaced them with newer characters. Not to mention that since none of the other properties are canon, they erased the Solo twins, Jace, Jaiden, and the youngest Solo, Anakin, the Jedi Academy where Luke was to teach the ways of the Force to the younger generations, the Palpatine experiments to create an heir to the Empire (I don’t believe that was a good idea since the clone that is found on a remote planet was a depressed emo child. Nope not kidding. Supposedly it was hinted at that there were other lab facilities that were producing clones despite of the fall of the Empire), and worst yet, Luke Skywalkers’ son, Ben! I remember the mother was a bit of a hit or miss depending on the outlet, however, what many believe, Mara Jade was not the right fit for Luke. (I also remember that there were fans that liked Mara and thought she was perfect to be Luke’s wife)

So… George Lucas took away the canonization of many different properties and now… this… is canon (at the very least until some idiot Hollywood exec will make this new wave to the Star Wars franchise non-canon as well)

Edit to Add: By the way, according to the original storylines over the years, it wasn’t one of the Solo children that turned to the Dark Side but it was Luke’s son, Ben who ran away from the Academy because of his father’s strictness and ended up with a Sith Lord.

Also something to note, although Emperor Palpetine and Darth Vader were the only Sith in the original series, there were many who were in contact through out the galaxies and were in the process of rebuilding the Empire again known as New Empire.

So many compelling stories and examples of how to do Star Wars right… only to be booted in the end.

@RomeoVisionInc - 03.07.2024 17:35

I just figured out where all the BUDGET went!!!!! Rotten Tomatoes AI review purchases.

@scroletyper8286 - 03.07.2024 18:15

I protest. I just watched attack of the clones and that line is fine. People give those films way more crap than they deserve. I am nit going to say it could've been worse. We all can see that. I also don't think that they need that kind of defense. They are good fun films that Don't need that excuse.

@WickedEdge1 - 04.07.2024 02:13

a lightsaber whip...

@amrushing3539 - 04.07.2024 03:41

STAR WARS NEVER DEAD it was complete. Don't confuse the people using its success to milk for ideas and whatever..
They just prove how non creative they are.
Your work attempts to copy a brilliant complete series poorly in segmented's not complicated. Talk about the 7 sexual identities of the historical times of earth. They lived

@111122400 - 04.07.2024 10:45

Pathetic shit so fucking lame I mean at this point they should just be working on episode 10 at this point I don't think Star wars will ever recover from this shit

@oddbaii6322 - 04.07.2024 15:07

I was willing to give it a chance when the first two episodes came out at the same time because I figured “well the story, characters and acting are mediocre, but maybe it’ll pick up in future episodes” but when the third was released, I realised there was absolute no hope for this show.

@alexanderalexandrou - 05.07.2024 01:00

My grandma believed that Luke Skywalker was a melanated sister.

@sharkanenoa5928 - 06.07.2024 10:48

Do you PEOPLE ever stop to think that the real reason for this sucking isn’t BECAUSE ITS WOKE…

But because it’s just a bad show.

There have been good stories that have handled these WOKE elements and are really good, even under Disney, mostly just with their cartoons. But for some reason you PEOPLE keep putting all your energy and hatred toward these bad Star Wars projects that HONESTLY doesn’t feel like they’re really worth it anymore. Disney is going to keep churning out these projects solely for clout and to keep trying to keep the attention of THIS crowd and you PEOPLE just keep falling for itEVERY SINGLE TIME. Star Wars just isn’t worth it anymore. South Park is right it’s just a cycle that will keep repeating itself over and over again…

@Fragilelin - 07.07.2024 12:01

Do video on Andor?

@holymolystudios8467 - 08.07.2024 05:06

I rly liked the first 5 episodes

@tranquilthoughts7233 - 08.07.2024 17:00

Others have said it before, but i'm gonna say it again: Even in Disney star wars black children grow up without a father.

@FargoFalls - 08.07.2024 20:29

Star Wars is dead, stuff it back in it's coffin and leave it there- you've already destroyed enough of my childhood memories (I was born in 1971 and vaguely remember seeing The original in the theaters in 1978 after they expanded the run in 1977. Do you think Leslye Headland will decide that we need to know who was the top and who was the bottom between C-3PO and Chewie?

@markus7166 - 09.07.2024 04:56

Diversity = no white people.

@bengordon7635 - 10.07.2024 05:47

millennial madness endless sequels with zero creativity,, the crash did happen in 2000 we are witnessing it now

@Echogamer65 - 10.07.2024 14:43

It's better then asohka

@rakumafireball1640 - 10.07.2024 21:06

I rather watch the Stars Wars Holidays special and the Sesame street edition than to watch any of the New Stars Wars from Force awakens to the Acolytes all trash!

@grandmaster_leeg9999 - 10.07.2024 22:06

The critics reverse review bombed this series from before the first episode...

@n_sky1560 - 11.07.2024 11:37

this woke bs in Disney , is like a cancer so extremely big , that they rather off them self's then go through chemo

@roc7880 - 12.07.2024 07:01

If the characters were genuine and dialogues deep, the editing and camera attractive, or the action plus fighting entertaining, I would accept the dumb ideology as I did many times before. But there is not much to enjoy in the final product

@ChtistianeFiorito-qc6hh - 12.07.2024 16:49

Did not the master it is impossible to kill a dream ? Or are my ears deceiving me?

@spymadmax584 - 15.07.2024 19:06

Dawg his name was SEOUL because he's korean 😂😂

@johnmcnair-musician6605 - 20.07.2024 17:43

Yes, the apex of trash

@yancieb - 21.07.2024 12:09

The Woke Agenda strikes again 🤣
Star Wars was so magical to me as a kid and they have completely killed my opinion of the franchise. Not a sliver of excitement goes through my body when I hear something new from Star Wars is coming. I dont even bother anymore, I know who these shows are really for.

I love how theyre all supposed to be hiding that theyre jedis but they all wear the jedi attire everywhere they go.

@boxxtone - 22.07.2024 02:12


@jesseSager123 - 22.07.2024 13:50

180 million dollar budget for a SHOW?! episode 1-3 were made with less than that and had better fx, better story, and was actually good....

@heytch7402 - 24.07.2024 18:26

i really don't see the problem with this show, yea the green lady was abd and the witch ceremony was awful but when i was watching the show it really didn't feel like the diversity was non organic, and i didn't even think the witches were gay, i thought it was clear they were meant to be some kind of religious commune, and the kids were supposed to be adopted

@lukepresti - 27.07.2024 04:24

this is the most amazing read ever.

@0412983 - 30.07.2024 19:24

This is not Star Wars. They took the name for recognition and because they can't create anything new.
In reality they are furious and humiliated that's why everything they say or write in promotions and reviews is so over the top and loud. Think about it, how would you feel if something that you created was so poorly received.
But that doesn't give them a right to do what they are doing. Here it shows what kind of people they are and they are the worst kind. They can't take any criticism or take any responsibility and the main thing is that they are not good at this...

@dmitritobias - 01.08.2024 08:03

where is this coming from anyway? what is this notion that we want to be the things we are into? when i was a kid i liked Superman. then Batman the most coz he's all dark and black. i was into comics and cartoons. Spiderman is ok i guess. i was also into The Transformers. Thundercats. Silver Hawk. Star Trek TNG, Stae Wars. you name it, I'll know it and into it. but never once I ever thought i wanted to be Jean Luc Picard or Bruce Wayne or Clark Kent. and if ever i showed any indication that i wanted to be a truck, my parents would remind me that pretending and imagining is fun but actually being a robot that can turn into a truck or being a rich bratt running around at night fighting crimes not knowing he's not making much difference in the world is NOT FUN at all. see there's this thing that kids like: fun. so this notion that kids gotta be influenced by what they watch, we need to supply kids with high quality educational entertainment, we must let them decide this that... you people remember as kids... we didn't care any of that right?

@NovaBombardment - 01.08.2024 08:05

I promise I'll leave a more meaningful comment after I've watched the whole video, but I appreciate the chapter break after the ad, so I know just how many times to hit the right key on my keyboard. I love that more channels are starting to do that. :)

@NovaBombardment - 01.08.2024 08:30

Can a Wookie be a Jedi? I guess anyone can is the whole point, but I just never considered it. I'd like to see a spin-off where the young Wookie gets bullied in Yoda's class like the live action Grinch. After we find out he's trans of course.

@rex-mz1jc - 02.08.2024 07:51

It breaks my heart to see how far Star Wars has fallen, but if they. keep pumping out content like this, which seems to be now the norm. I think it's time to let Star Wars go.

@IronDragon-2143 - 12.09.2024 15:22

She-Hulk of Star Wars.
That's just brutal.

@needmoreramsay - 03.10.2024 04:19

Burns down a metal and concrete fortress!!! 😂😂😂

@DerpRulesAll - 04.10.2024 00:57

Disney put us out of our collective misery.

@normanbarud - 12.11.2024 23:12

Dark hour sent me, enjoy one extra view for every single weedyyoo

I approve so far
