How SIGMA Males Act I Things Sigma Male Absolutely Hates

How SIGMA Males Act I Things Sigma Male Absolutely Hates

Mindly Nova

3 года назад

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@brownpunk1794 - 01.05.2021 08:01

Fuck alphas..sigma for the win

@arashshukran8788 - 01.05.2021 14:57

The first part of the video is spot on, i use to be that alpha, although i didnt care for the spotlight, people would say about me "hes everywhere". Not as loud but aggressive. Now, i value peace mind solitude, also knowledge experiences that contribute to growth.

@Ryutobi - 01.05.2021 16:29

Depends on if you wish to change your mindset and pattern of behavior

@mariomartinez8466 - 06.05.2021 16:37

The reason they disapprove is because they don't understand the personality, or they hate the traits. And no you can not be or become a Sigma. You are born that way

@wairuriblackpoet8252 - 07.05.2021 10:58

I would love me a sigma...

@fasilatsanusi7431 - 09.05.2021 09:21

We should have a Sigma female as well 🙂

@Amit.2002 - 12.05.2021 05:27

I am sigma

@computereasy4194 - 12.05.2021 17:01

When you're after the thumbnail...but it wasn't discussed in the video...

@Soaringeagle_82 - 13.05.2021 06:22

Interesting to know turns out I found out I’m sigma as well and it’s finally good to know that honestly being sigma is personally better in my opinion I have more freedom than most I do what I want when I want and don’t care much about irrelevant things in life

@giorgiofitucci9797 - 14.05.2021 23:03

Sigma was invented by beta who feel like they are secretly alpha but still act beta. Pure BS.

@tahirshaikh8443 - 21.05.2021 09:27


@homicidalgeorge - 25.05.2021 19:37

sigma balls

@michaelmansfield1289 - 10.06.2021 05:41

I've never acted like a beta, more like an alpha but not the type to push people around for the sake of it, at all. And since I didn't like people being over me, right out of college I was either a vice president and ended up CEO, risk taker, a top rated commodity trading advisor & hedge fund manager, small brokerage firm owner in my late twenties and early thirties, had a band when I was in high school and was also the leader of the band. Like sports, but never cared for team sports and big business because the politics and egoic hierarchy, preferring individual smaller more contained enterprises and more individualistic high adrenaline sports like motocross, martial arts, or smoother more rhythmic activities like biking or tennis, but also somewhat a loner as I got older, not because I don't get along with people, just the opposite, I'm super friendly and we'll talk to anybody, had a lot of girlfriends. But, I loved my freedom, needing my alone time to tinker with computer systems, read gobble up knowledge on everything, ponder the universe, and meditate. I only married once so far. Not that I minded it, just not the right person for me. So definitely a sigma male. Those who think it is b***** are either, ignorant, jealous, or lack insight into themselves or others.

Of course, like everything in life, there's degrees. My favorite saying that I coined is the truth is in the middle, and perhaps being a sigma male is exactly that in the middle, due to multiple traits.

@vincentvanzant321 - 29.06.2021 08:23

I think my philosophy speaks for a lot of sigmas. "Why waste your time being in a competition with someone you didn't even know you where apart of". Biggest talkers always approach threats with a superiority complex. As for myself you want to waste energy on a point so vital to you but so meaningless to me,more power to you.

@AM2024uk - 05.07.2021 16:20

You can't fake who you are, well maybe people can but others will see the change. If it's in your nature and natural to you. It's who you are. And being that way I don't need a lable it's just who I am.
