I have heard that Jobs didn’t let his kids use an iPad, but I seriously doubt that all these SV engineers don’t let their kids have phones and iPads. Even if they say they don’t I don’t believe them. They live in the same society as the rest of us; unless their kids are all homeschooled (there’s no way they all can do that as many have both parents working) the kids are in classes where every one of their classmates had a phone by the time they’re 12 and I don’t believe that their kids aren’t beating them into submission in getting a phone. They would essentially be left out from all the social activity of their class - they won’t have seen the videos, the memes, the TikTok shorts, etc and so they will feel very left out. I also don’t believe they’re these super parents who somehow parent screenfree in an age where very few just let their kids go out and about in the neighborhood like it was the pre-90’s. Especially in the Bay Area I can tell you this doesn’t happen. So even though this narrative about the kids of big tech engineers is super catchy I don’t believe a word of it. They’re getting F’d by their inventions just as much as the rest of us.
ОтветитьThis women is beyond boring and needs to grow up!
ОтветитьI'm older and housebound. Wasting time on games and puzzles lowers your concentration span. These activities are a poor substitute for meaningful work and a life with purpose.
ОтветитьI feel seen