This build is still shred without runeword. What do you recommend instead of Shroud?
Ответитьthe Earthquakes is the damage dealer (not leap or ultimate).... it is a DOT damage.... it does NOT crit....
so why need CSC and CSD (it is useless)....
stilll doesnt understand...🤔🤔🤔
Being able to run UBH instead of shako on leapquake is very cool tech. I don't know if swapping masterwork crits from Strength to leap cooldown on multiple gear (especially amulet) is worth it though. I've been pit pushing with leapquake this season and I need somebody to math it out for me
ОтветитьCan u lvl on this build after like lvl 40 or is this a lvl 60 build? Can u put in the Grandfather in some use here too?
Ответить😂super Mario bros and Zelda thats Diablo now rip good old Barbarian fighter
ОтветитьDid you test the earthquake duration temper on one weapon?
ОтветитьCool build... Good for pit 100 but won't be able to do pit 110+
ОтветитьOutrageos barb, Leap is so fun you take it beyond
ОтветитьAn interesting take. I will test it out after I find better weapons. I'm currently using gf and doombringer. I lose dmg, but gain a ton of life.
ОтветитьI think they should bring runes to the base game.
ОтветитьIm running the grandfather for my leapquake build with mantle on chest. Those are nice boots, haven’t found any boots with Leap :(
Ответитьawesome now i need a good ugly helm! ;) bye shako. I'm not sure it would matter, but the Unique Witch power Cycle counts as a growth and decay, so if wanted you could remove 1 regular Grow power and still get the Coven Gem benefit. I still need to find better codex for the giant stride, so still may be paused I put Flay with polearm in my right click since u wont move and adds bleeds, idk why but it seems to help with killing elites faster if 1v1. Glad to watch and the understanding for close dam. from the boards really helped, why that vs something etc. time to farm the ice boss for helm i believe... 2 min for 100 pit is great goal for me
This build work without those "bac" "yul" things?
ОтветитьIve never seen someone so bored playing a game.
ОтветитьI really wish the Walking Arsenal keystone would get some love.. the weapon swap, high attack speed playstyle is probably the most fun Ive had in D4, but it has never been meta due to limited skill slots for running 2-3 shouts.
ОтветитьU always play with those numbers? That looks so bad. I only keep overpower dmg and buffs notification
ОтветитьFrogger build
ОтветитьWhy do you put Vessel Runes on Weapons? Do you gain anything?
ОтветитьI just want to verify. For example, your build guide shows wrath on the full Paragon and challenger on the grim leaper on the first board. Video shows your upgraded glyphs but it doesn't match the guide. Same with the last board, vid doesn't match build. Update video to clarify?
Ответитьfollowed your planner, have all the aspects,mythics and uniques and this just seems to deal nothing in the way of damage
ОтветитьI just almost HATE these sorts of builds, where about a million things have to line up to run the build like this. Where does your fury come from? Why does it NEVER go down? Of course about 10 things have to line up to pull all this off.
ОтветитьHello Sir Cliptis, sorry for dumb question but: in your guide I can see 2H bludgeon must have "damage to close" temper, while 2H polearm has "%chance to double earthquake" temper. Fine. Actually I did the opposite: I tempered close damge onto polearm and %chance to double earthquake onto the 2H mace. Does it matter? Will I have to assign Leap to the mace instead?
And also, about the Executioner glyph: it says while wielding polearm, get %15 damage. Does that mean I MUST use polearm on Leap skill to benefit the bonus? Or as soon as I have a polearm equipped in slot, I'll get that bonus even though I assign 2H mace to Leap skill?
If they could fix leap to work better on controller because its terrible unless you keyboard mouse the build
ОтветитьI appreciate the chill music in the edit. Great video!
ОтветитьIs this one better then ww quake?
ОтветитьHow are you generating overpowers? Am I not seeing OP numbers because the earthquakes themselves don't overpower?
ОтветитьAnd do you notice a difference by using Dust Stone? 5% damage seems weak for a legendary gem.
ОтветитьOk time for the noob question. Can you explain HOW you "control where the masterworking crits go"? I play on a PS5 and thought it was just random.
ОтветитьI just cant get the aspect Giant Strides to drop and its driving me crazy! Its very important to the build
ОтветитьIt looks so cool. I have to try that. But I think you need to update your build planner. It's not the right helmet and pants. Don't know if there is more. It will just be bad if people use the wrong ones.
ОтветитьTHE GRIM LEAPER, love it.
ОтветитьLove that you're showing 100. That's the everyday player goal to be able to run a 100 in decent time... not pushing Pit 150.
Ответитьdont forget that your ultimate witch power is a growth and decay power too. So you have 4 :)
ОтветитьJust wondering what is better to follow, the skill tree in this video or what you have in mobalytics? They are close but not quite, here you have challenging shout and mobalytics is ground stomp, and a few other differences equipment wise.
ОтветитьHello, which one has higher dmg, hota earthquake or leap earthquake? Thankss
ОтветитьI have to admit, the more I play around with this build, the more fun it is.
Ответитьdoc required for these builds??
ОтветитьI see that the build was updated today, but when i click on the Full Paragon Only tab, everything below is blank, no skills or equipment. Are you working on that or is it an issue with the site?
ОтветитьCan someone explain me how i can reduce my leap cooldown, , it stay in 3 sec
ОтветитьBrother, thanks for putting this together. I am strugglin here a bit. I am brand new to the game, I am doin T1, so I know I don't have all the bits I need, but I am getting there. My struggle is what's on the video and whats on the builder. They're different. On the builder I don't understand how you're getting that Leap to 10/4 with a 4.x second cooldown. Also, do you no longer recommend the ugly bastard helm, on the builder it's Harlequin Crest, which would of course bring leap to 9/5 but still not that 10 thus not achieving infinite leaps. You're awesome, and I appreciate you answering if you can. I also get I'm probably missing something obvious, but I'm grateful for this guide. Have a rad weekend.
ОтветитьBeen wanting to try this build since before the season started, but something I learned when trying is that it's very console/controller unfriendly.
Waaaaay more often than not you end up sailing right over the mob/boss you're trying to hit and impacting an empty area of space. Only way to get this to work is run over to a target, and in one spot and leap over and over without using directional input which is pretty pointless. Would be nice that if blizzard releases games on console that they make sure all builds will work with a controller so console players can have as wide of variety builds to play as pc players.
do I follow the video or the mobalytics page? the video skill tree is different to the build planner??
ОтветитьUp! Great content as always :)
Ответитьwhy does the build planner have harlequin crest but video says ugly bastard helm
ОтветитьI'm confused with the Paragon board, the first tier of it looks exactly like yours, but the second tier of the Paragon board looks nothing like yours, no matter which direction you rotate it.
ОтветитьHow do you get the unlimited Leaps that you have. I have close to the same build, I'm missing the helm because you have to get it on torment 4 or higher, but I have a 3 or 4 second cooldown between each leap
ОтветитьReally like your content 👍 but it would be nice if u could add to your planner how much CD u need on Leap. And other helpful stats to think about. Like where do u get your vulnerable from ? Would help alot for a player like me who dont have so many hours per week too play. Thx for great job and content 😁👍
ОтветитьDude, I am smashing like/subscribe happily due to the fact that you took the time to answer questions in the comments. Pretty much every answer you gave somebody has helped clarify things for me too. I'll be telling my buds about you, bro.
ОтветитьTransmog please?
ОтветитьSorry I'm newer..but what's the purpose of the other weapons if we don't swap?