Making a Discord Bot with Discord.js (Part 2: Basic Commands)

Making a Discord Bot with Discord.js (Part 2: Basic Commands)


3 года назад

613 Просмотров

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@emreoktay1901 - 10.08.2021 13:53

Hello SteamCode, I’m watching your Dc bot turtorials and I do same as you. But I have a error. Client missing Intents. I do the same but there is an error. And I cant fix it. Why does That happen? And can you help me pls?

@gunpitz - 11.10.2022 22:21

The msg don't work for me, it don't log the message and doesn't respond when typing in discord. Any ideas why ? I copied exactly what u have, but added the gatewayintentbits

@ori_pilled - 14.01.2023 08:22

im tryna make a bot rn but when i say "ping" my bot aint saying pong. i typed exactly what u typed but nothings working idk what to do
