Netanyahu war crime suspect by ICC, sociopath threatens Europe.

Netanyahu war crime suspect by ICC, sociopath threatens Europe.

Ariel Marom

54 года назад

18,429 Просмотров

Нетаньяху, подозреваемый в совершении военных преступлений и получивший ордер на арест от Международного криминального Суда, социопат угрожает устроить Европе настоящий Ад.
Netanyahu is not only a suspect in committing serious mass war crimes, but also a real sociopath.
All his entourage - ministers, MPs, assistants, representatives, officials, all who carry out his orders also bear part of the responsibility for the war crimes committed by his government and coalition.
We, responsible citizens of Israel, appeal to the entire world community with a call to save and protect us from the power of social psychopaths led by Netanyahu, and to issue arrest warrants for all his ministers and members of his ruling coalition.

самые жуткие преступники против человечности в истории от Нерона до Нетаньяху.
Предупреждение странам Европы о прямых угрозах в сфере безопасности.

#israel #netanyahu #icc
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