I found out that the album Anno 1696 by Finnish metal band Insomnium was based on a book by classic Finnish author Aino Kallas. So me being me, I ran straight out and bought a copy. This presents me with the opportunity to do something I have been thinking about for a while and start this series: Metalhead Book Club, in which I would like to explore book that inspired metal music and books that were written by metalheads.
Anno 1696 is a concept album set in 17th century northern Europe in the midst of a famine, witch hunts and dark magic.
Aino Kallas first published the Wolf's Bride in 1928. She is hailed as one of the greatest writers of Finland and Estonia. I was surprised to find a woman being hailed so highly in classic literature, especially given her writing has very strong feminist messages throughout. In France and the UK, female writers would take on male pen names like George Sand, Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters also first published under male names.
The book I read includes a number of short stores including the Wolf's Bride and other stories she wrote between 1923 and 1928.
I have read quite a few classics with feminist messages but never one that hit me as hard as this one. It's staggering to find that many of the problems women faced in the 17th century are still there to this day.