Blade Runner 2049 (2017) - The Memory Maker Scene (4/10) | Movieclips

Blade Runner 2049 (2017) - The Memory Maker Scene (4/10) | Movieclips


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@applebee6455 - 31.03.2020 15:35

The way she effortless created memories we will be able do do with video on Photoshop and then mobiles.

@applebee6455 - 31.03.2020 15:40

That forest scene she creates will be VR in games by 2032 the latest.

@MaTriXzvR - 03.04.2020 06:42

something I don't understand is that if she has a compromised immune system, then how is that memory of her as a child, by furnaces and getting beat up by children hers? Wouldn't she have died just by being outside if her immune system is that delicate?

@adamc.sieracki4145 - 22.04.2020 06:55

She is about the warmest actress I have ever seen. 💛

@Tarkus-Ivalice-dweller - 05.05.2020 03:00



@parkeypence5974 - 27.05.2020 07:55

K's reaction is gripping but I still get some heavy ASMR from this scene

@aarongorton1984 - 23.06.2020 01:45

makes me cry this scene powerful

@aarongorton1984 - 23.06.2020 01:46

very emotional

@LukeKetchum7003 - 26.06.2020 15:24

That little outburst at the end gave me a jump scare.

@TovenDo.O.Video- - 04.07.2020 17:25

If there is a perfect movie, this is the one

@vooshoos - 28.07.2020 22:41


@ericreingardt2504 - 12.08.2020 07:07

Dr. Stelline is a real person in a fake reality while Joe is a fake person in real reality

@alechorowitz5279 - 17.08.2020 23:34

How the hell was this snubbed at the Oscars?!

@abdullahx4908 - 30.08.2020 14:15

Steelline is just the nicest person in this scene
How did no one notice that the replicants had the same memory?

@martinlawrence1744 - 10.10.2020 13:54

Officer K Donated $6000
" I love you please be my girlfriend "

@danielcordoba9818 - 20.10.2020 01:15

God, the music in this movie is absolutely untouchable

@lucypark8961 - 25.10.2020 17:19

"Someone lived this, yes"
I couldn't understand why she gave this vague description to K. Not like "It's a real memory".
After watching the whole movie, now i see why she had to answer like that. Beautiful and crucial line.

@jfp5852 - 27.10.2020 05:10


@ORIGINAL-x6i - 19.01.2021 05:55

This scene is some kind of high-end technological ASMR

@kungfufan540 - 23.01.2021 12:29

it make no sense about she say somebody live this yes but she should said u r living this place

@santiago_9145 - 23.02.2021 00:06

Ryan Gosling.....

@akamatsuken - 04.05.2021 00:32

Ever noticed how every time we see Dr. Stelline on screen, there's K reflection looking like he's monitoring her brain? Me neither before someone pointed this to me, but now this is impossible to miss.

@casbot71 - 19.05.2021 11:33

Only minor criticism, when he kicked the chair the sound should have been of it hitting the far wall instantly and hard. He can punch out a Nexus 6 and shoulder charge through brickwork, when he angrily kicks a chair that chair's pieces should fly fast and smash.
Even have it set up so it looks like a bit of the chair ricocheted off the wall and flew back.

The impression should be when K lashes out and kicks a chair, shrapnel should be a risk for humans.

@thomasrowe25 - 24.05.2021 18:21

ryan gosling acting is amazing in this

@galvanizedcorpse - 24.05.2021 23:00

this movie is so amazing, it's awesome

@2yt4u.14. - 16.06.2021 15:54

Does she know its her memories

@ranggakd - 23.06.2021 12:37


@tonyrandall3146 - 21.07.2021 10:35

She would be as confused as him, who put these memories of HERS in him? She has no idea at this point that K is like her brother, even though it isn't the case. They have similar DNA being both Nexus (her half Nexus inherited) and sharing literal memories, feelings, thoughts, and identity with their responses they must have an incredible silent bond, shame it couldn't be K and Ana in BladeRunner 2050.

A colossal waste of a good IP, but we can all imagine the sequel, maybe we will get one in the future, but Deckard will be gone but perhaps technology like Deepfake (as they used for Elvis and Frank Sinatra) will be good enough to pull it off. I like to imagine Deckard comes out and saves K's life - that's two replicants who saved his life now.

It's not that K isn't the twin, in a way he IS the dead twin.

@xanderguldie - 21.07.2021 19:02

The casting of this movie was spot on

@simonthomas5367 - 21.07.2021 19:34

Such an amazing clip. His look. So emploring. And the conceptualism of memory creation! Literally mind-blowing.

@pedrostp2515 - 19.08.2021 00:32

This is the best philosophical movie in years. how terrible is it for us to carry bad memories.

@Giobbe84 - 26.08.2021 01:58

K's reflex on the glass, Ana crying, K that never blinks his eyes during her reaction watching to the memories, anger at the end, the only emotion "allowed" (and punished with retirement) to perform as a replicant. It's funny and at the same time sad that the only born replicant is named Stelline, little stars in italian. After the replicants that have seen the shoulder of Orion and the C-beams glitter in the dark there is a born-replicant that watches the stars from the ground, creating "little stars" (memories) for other replicants. THANK YOU VILLENEUVE!

@HowlingWolfLeather - 09.09.2021 22:47

Gosling smashed this!!

@christianealshut1123 - 11.09.2021 21:52

Anna is actually one of my favorite characters from this film - she's a bit like someone who has remained a child deep inside herself; because of her immune disease, there are some experiences she will never make and some joys she'll never know. But she gives so much to so many people; the memories she fabricates are really why many of those replicants have begin to feel like humans and developed a sense of deserving human dignity. She's the true soul of the revolution of the replicants that seems to be about to start here, where replicants finally work to obtain the dignity that their makers aren't willing to concede to them (theyx only acknowledge those human traits in them which are convenient for them).
I love it when she cries when she has to tell K that this memory about the wooden horse is actually one she gave him, and he has to acknowledge that he does not have any real memories and is not a "real" human. She knows how much it would mean to him to be acknowledged "truly" human - because the makers of the replicants are only willing to concede them humanity as far as it is convenient for them. She's a bit like the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio...

@МихаилЧечулин-ъ9ю - 21.09.2021 07:13

Карла здесь божественна !!!!

@AWhileHanlin - 18.10.2021 15:51

I cried in the cinema at this moment

@hugenerretho9151 - 01.11.2021 18:43

just curious how they pick her as a cast bc she might not be famous Italian actor or any kind

@daffaarramy4981 - 20.11.2021 18:30

That actress is so beautiful

@johnvermintide - 22.11.2021 17:16

I had no idea that this was abt the memory creation thing

@graemewright7386 - 01.02.2022 11:17

Masterpiece of a Movie!!!

@joshuaizly5502 - 05.09.2022 11:53

I think she says "someone really lived this" because at that point she herself is not sure if she's has the original memory or if he does.

@babarasul680 - 27.11.2022 22:40

literally me everyday

@liammacgregor1546 - 05.03.2023 03:59

This movie is unbelievable. One of those movies that not much people have seen but once they do see it, it is imprinted 😎

@richardgrognard6394 - 08.06.2023 12:58

rien ne vaudra le " Blade Runner one "

@Daniel-br8cg - 30.08.2024 23:17

люблю всем сердцем этот фильм ...
