GW2 "Hexfoundry Unhinged" (⌚ 0:23.89) speed run - Sparkfly Fen Jumping Puzzle

GW2 "Hexfoundry Unhinged" (⌚ 0:23.89) speed run - Sparkfly Fen Jumping Puzzle

[JP] Nuriel Nightshade

54 года назад

115 Просмотров

Speedrun of the "Hexfoundry Unhinged" Jumping Puzzle in Sparkfly Fen - part of the "[JP] mesmer speedrun spam" project

►About the project◄
We thought the JP section on needs more attention AND more Mesmer input (instead of mostly Thieves.. Mesmers CAN keep up :P) and therefore recorded some runs according to the rules defined on the website (find rules below). We tried to make the runs as entertaining and fun to watch as possible, hopefully you enjoy them :).

►Rules for unrestriced category◄
⌚: Start from waypoint, timer start on first movement, timer stop at Chest
✔: boons (self-applied), gliding, dodges, purchasable bundles such as Experimental Rifle, Experimental Teleportation Gun, Harpy Feathers, Spy Kits, Med Kit, Pact Med Kit and environmental boosts in the JP area (for example Silverwastes wells), all classes, use of skills, traits, nourishments, personal waypoint (minimap)
✖: mounts, relogging to affect player position, toys such as Executioner's Axe, 3rd party overlay markers or squad markers

Listen to it on Spotify here:


#GW2 #Guild #Wars #Guild_Wars_2 #JP #Jumping #Puzzle #speed #run #speedrun #fast #fastest #quick #quickest #guide #tricks #tips #shortcut #world #record #skip #skips #WR #easy #way #schnell #schneller #weg #abkürzung #rekord #weltrekord #sprungrätsel #jump #saut #achievement #mesmer #leap #rapide #daily #project #Hexfoundry_Unhinged #Maguuma #Sparkfly_Fen #Fluchgießerei_Abgedreht #Funkenschwärmersumpf #Marais_de_Lumillule #Hexfonderie_désaxée
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