ELEMENT 111 RG by DarkX & Restoration Union

ELEMENT 111 RG by DarkX & Restoration Union


1 год назад

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@angrypotatoGD - 14.06.2024 14:10

why is this level sooo important?

@Anormalrandom - 15.06.2024 03:08

Did not know the vid was over 1 hour

@b1urokracja - 16.06.2024 14:47

what if i was playing gd in 2014 and playing element 111 rg instead of beaing fucking 4yo

@Szzle77_GD - 03.07.2024 08:21

This is the EKT of gd

@kinderlawyer4540 - 11.07.2024 15:00

Hey, i think i might have found something interesting. One day i was looking through accounts that might be DarkX when i came across an account called "GWDarkX". It is now a green user with both player icons being green. I theorized that this account might be an alternate account that DarkX could have created after his main one got deleted. The player icon colours could imply this theory because they are the result of the TeamHax scandal that happened way back in 2017. I dont have the tools to verify when the account was created, but it's still possible that at a certain point DarkX created a secondary account in secret. Please tell me if this is plausible or not and tell me when the account was created. I found this account a long time ago but i never had the chance to tell anyone about this theory.

@Zorua08 - 13.07.2024 20:59

I saw on twitter someone found what darkx’s icons were, one of the icons was one from the 1.9 update and the others were from older updates. They stated that they got this information from Gd browser, I have no idea how they did that

@Shadowness76 - 23.07.2024 16:36

Wow what a journey man, congratulations to u and whoever participated and helped in this project

@JhonnySins3000 - 02.08.2024 19:16


@SaYZoX93 - 04.08.2024 04:21

I added a thumbnails in the original element 111 rg by darkx check the level

@oAkosha - 20.08.2024 17:12

GD documentarys are the best

@Santiaram - 26.08.2024 00:19

This is TMMSOTI of Geometry Dash

@jezixthepro - 28.08.2024 16:27

That was like an entire movie.

@FrenchFries4111 - 31.08.2024 15:00

idk guys maybe element 111 rg was just nervous

@picasaparisi6222 - 05.09.2024 02:55

Not my 5 time watching this

@Demonical_GD - 08.09.2024 12:59


@FINALBOSS101 - 15.09.2024 18:50

I tried using gd share on element 111 rg but the level came out empty:(

@Aidan-J-Thomas - 03.10.2024 22:30

Huh the thumbnail looks oddly familiar...

@frunka_ - 07.10.2024 11:02

crazy work

@Kelpjuice1 - 12.10.2024 16:07

Ice Carbon Titan X.

@Fiszy - 17.10.2024 00:10

brb inventing backwards tiem travel

@Jaxolotl31 - 26.10.2024 06:10

it was the part in the middle after contacting viprin, it said you were gonna give up, you said "but then" and a doritos ad played xd

@heybroimsopro - 04.11.2024 07:05

This is the best GD video I've watched so far...

@fusion325 - 12.11.2024 00:49

Watch at 1.25 speed to keep ur sanity

@monstrasmakacorestompy - 18.12.2024 01:52

thanks for your video introducing me to geometry dash!

@npestafan - 28.12.2024 22:51

video is almost 2 years old, im getting old

@premiunm - 20.01.2025 20:57

I cant find the link to GMDW. Can you reply to me with the link?

@LiamLimeLarm - 31.01.2025 23:01


@Scarzz_ - 02.02.2025 10:47

Why do I feel like the situation would be a lot different if one person actually went and beat it in practice mode?

@TheHispanicUsername - 09.02.2025 09:07

i just watched the entire video, this is lowkey the best video of all time

@EmuOtoriOfficial - 14.02.2025 12:14

Its legit

The level data is deleted

@ujkloin - 20.02.2025 13:38

i wonder where darkx is today, i hope hes doing well

@ujkloin - 20.02.2025 15:14

im extremely curious about the new secret way, because where the hell could it even be. the only "theory" i have is that, after hitting the blue orb and going to the top, you jump over the quad and jump into the ball portal. the structuring was changed so you can land there as the ball, you then go down and hit a cube portal and finish the level

@jimmtl9736 - 20.02.2025 20:47

Pretty cool video but some parts drag on for way too long. The first half especially wasn't super engaging

@lucwashere13 - 22.02.2025 09:33

I feel like DarkX is some sort of time traveler, he knew way too much about the game, like, he knew how jumping on spike on single blocks worked, how breakable blocks worked, and how to make hard gameplay (which at the time, is very unusual, most hard gameplay in 1.6 was NOT GOOD) so it's almost like he's a time traveler who went back in time to make this level lol (it also doesn't help that he used time machine as the song for the level)

@lucwashere13 - 25.02.2025 07:15

This is my second comment, but i just love this video and level in general

i have a theory, i think that darkx made levels and never posted them, his knowledge of gameplay and specifically hard gameplay makes me think he made levels to experiment, that would also explain why he had a level ranking, he likley made harder levels before and never posted them

@GameNexX - 26.02.2025 23:52

If you're wondering how Element 111 Rg was deleted:

When Update 1.7 released, RobTop decided to start purging levels which some levels got deleted. This resulted in Element 111 Rg and all other DarkX levels getting deleted.

I know this information cuz ive searched up to find out how the level was deleted. This is the only thing i found out about how the level got deleted.

Edit: I love rewatching this video so many times, cuz it really got me interested in old levels again.
