How to Adjust your Scope for Long Range Shots w/ Ryan Cleckner

How to Adjust your Scope for Long Range Shots w/ Ryan Cleckner

Warrior Poet Society

5 лет назад

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@alexanderdenev7525 - 20.02.2025 17:38

Where's part 2?

@jasonspurlock8673 - 12.01.2025 10:44


@taproom113 - 27.12.2024 05:51

Great gouge, guys! Thanx & carry on ... ^v^

@tomkelly3896 - 07.12.2024 04:57

Budget set up....2000 usd

@lonewolftex9760 - 30.10.2024 01:36

Where's the next part? I'm just getting into long range shooting and I am looking foward to the next part.

@LucidUnderworld - 23.10.2024 05:23

I've always used the Special Forces Handbook

@antonioduarte2795 - 13.08.2024 10:33

Great video very enjoyable

@nancyl4822 - 29.07.2024 20:54

John, the link to the guns + gear is no longer working.

@Mike-ru5wd - 29.07.2024 17:45

So the link is broken for the build which viper scope is he saying to get? Does anyone have a link I knew it’s the viper pst gen 2 but there are 6 on viper site from 900 to 1600 lol thanks in advance

@joshm3123 - 23.07.2024 05:13

Excellent video- learning a ton. I love both of my Viper PST II’s- excellent optics!

@Johnny-y7j - 04.07.2024 17:21

I went to a vortex 4x12x40 tactical on a 30-06 . And I took coyote out to 700 yard !! With a budget right I have $550 in the package 📦 and I use a small range card from the Hornady app and I had a target 🎯 set up with it at 500 years and hit dead on. I have never shot past 200 yards and I put this set up on a budget and happy with it!

@ryanvlk1102 - 19.05.2024 00:04

Ryan, how do you feel about the 300 win mag the Marine Corps just switched to it a year or two ago and I am thinking about doing that instead of 65 Creedmoor I really want to be able to shoot out to a mile

I am also concerned about the availability

@us_patriot_6555 - 15.05.2024 22:47

Excellent video and very informative. Ordered Ryans book, cant wait to try the techniques and share the info. 👍👍

@teree211 - 16.02.2024 16:20

Thank you for all you do. I am learning and applying

@OptimumsS - 25.11.2023 10:46

Musical instruments are haram hadith 5590 sahi bukhari

@MrSandshadow - 08.10.2023 21:26

what does it mean to call the shot?

@danhughes3626 - 18.09.2023 19:39

hey I have brain injury...before I could shoot 100vyrds. one inch I struggle doing that now...I hit some then it's all over the place...I can't remember iam I to focus on target or cross hairs I'm getting so frustrated
I know my vision not the greatest
maybe flinching a little 223..and 350 ar 15... my confidence is

@ocsplc - 16.06.2023 15:02

GySgt Carlos Hathcock made long range one shot one kills on very simple platforms. Cleckner is good. I bought his book. It’s all fundamentals and having decent gear is gravy to me.

@ericthomas9915 - 22.05.2023 22:21


@oliverq.4320 - 30.04.2023 09:29

the ammo being cheap line didnt age well . . . sad face

@kh.mangliansang204 - 24.04.2023 18:07

Ryan is a living treasure and a legend

@webhead7204 - 14.04.2023 06:45

Ryan, you magnificent bastard! I've read your book!

@stephenjoy5021 - 13.04.2023 02:17

I have the Bergara with the vortex viper scope…great combo to me!

@trentmckenzie343 - 05.04.2023 01:25

What I’m wondering is if the reticle makes a difference. I have a Nightforce scope on my Bergara, but it doesn’t have any hold over dots or anything. All my adjustments have to be made with dope

@renshai1236 - 14.03.2023 07:17

Ryan's a stud...good vid Ranger!! Still totally not sold on 6.5 Creedmoor...still on "proven" calibers...'06/7 mag/300 WM/30-378/338 LM

@steveharvey7712 - 13.03.2023 00:06

30-06 thank you every much.

@hugtango - 09.03.2023 17:37

when you think about what we were using 30 years ago..... nowadays entry level is like ultra platinum tactical supercharged of the 90's

@joaoferreira4672 - 04.02.2023 17:36

I wanted to know if the Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP its a good scope? I know its not a S&B PM2 scope but i cant afford more

@Exemptfromeverything - 31.01.2023 09:30

"Good enough accuracy"
Thank you

@MajorGRecording - 20.01.2023 19:46

3rd Bat!

@wackomedic911 - 09.01.2023 14:28

Ryan and the WPS series on lang range shooting has pulled me into this bottomless pit that is long range...... and love it! I have learnt SO much from him!

@lamulagarcia3949 - 26.12.2022 11:41

I’m looking at a savage precision rifle my budget is around 1k and I have a vortex crossfire ii

@atlantaswelder - 13.12.2022 20:37


@daddydan1000 - 06.12.2022 21:54

Love the book

@thomasclayon9143 - 29.11.2022 13:17

A great video, I bought this book last week hoping it would be good. Glad to see that the author is legit. I feel that I might be coming off of a lot of money in the next coming years. Thanks for the video WP

@MyHuntingJournal - 26.11.2022 23:10

Any chance the website can be re updated to include the details of these builds again? Really interested in getting some of this gear

@aaawman2280 - 19.11.2022 17:42

It's funny, I would love to learn distance shooting, but where, the longest range that I could use is 200 yards, so sad.

@howrightiam - 24.10.2022 13:43

Got Clekner's book for Christmas, I only intend to hunt, but the very basics of shooting have been so helpful, gun care , cleaning, Great read . Highly recommend.

@JH-me8ok - 11.10.2022 16:40

When I first watched this video I felt for John when Ryan messed with his rifle. Now having read the book and learning more I laugh when Ryan spins John’s knob’s!

@RobertNZ - 01.10.2022 14:10

This is an advertisement....

@terryreyes1125 - 13.09.2022 16:18

"The other eye john" 😆😆

@heyopey - 12.09.2022 02:42

number the bills ? where? thanks

@WinterApex99 - 18.08.2022 04:17

what rings on the tikka tax?

@NCshooter1213 - 01.08.2022 15:08

That intro with the eye closing.....honset to God the exact thing happened to my daughter first time I got her on my 6.5 creedmoor. She couldn't see so I said close one eye and of course she closed the eye that was looking into scope. I laughed for hrs about that

@MrJasonricker - 20.07.2022 18:41

Ryan THANK YOU for daring to offer your expertise and setting us free from the false guilt of paying Gucci prices for gear instead of investing in trigger time. I would gladly pay for this series in download. Looking forward to supporting you by buying your book.

@kyek8246 - 18.07.2022 18:39

What happened to this series?

@petermurdoch3001 - 13.07.2022 21:50

Winchester Model 70 7mmRemMag , Browning BBR 30-06 are my 2 Long Guns

@hugosmith6776 - 17.06.2022 03:18

the charisma of these two are off the charts, well done gentlemen, well done.
fan for life.
