Richard Dawkins - The Evidence For Evolution - The Greatest Show On Earth

Richard Dawkins - The Evidence For Evolution - The Greatest Show On Earth

The Unbelievers

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@musicauthority674 - 07.08.2023 03:49

Just to clear up any confusion, Darwin's theory of evolution should after all this time. should be changed to Darwin's fact of evolution. because no one with a spec of a brain. can deny that evolution is the process of all life on this planet.

@normanthrelfall2646 - 13.08.2023 11:10

Good News but not common knowledge
Mr Josh Timonen helped Richard Dawkins with his website and he also helped him produce documentaries and sell merchandise. Josh Timonen had been Richard Dawkins right hand man for many years and for this loyalty, Richard gave special thanks to Josh in his book “God Delusion” published 2nd Oct 2006, another invention of Richard’s carrying no substance but his opinions, fancies and whims, he further dedicated another book to him called “The Greatest Show on Earth” published on the 3rd Sept 2009. Richard’s interpretation of life.

Mr Josh Timonen has today become a born again believer in Jesus Christ, this must have really hurt Richard Dawkins and his crusade against the God he hates without a legitimate cause. How that his books could not capture the heart of Josh, but when he truly came under the sound of the gospel, he became broken in heart and spirit giving his heart to the Lord. The Bible is the book of life. In the Parable of the wheat and tares the servant came to the land owner saying did you not sow good seed upon your land, how is it that there are tares among the wheat. The Master said an enemy hath done this. The servant said shall I pull up the tares from among the wheat. The Master said wisely, let both grow together until harvest, lest you pull up some of the wheat with the tares. Josh Timonen appeared to be a tare but turned out to be wheat. Let us continue to pray for Richard Dawkins, that he will repent, for it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!

The Bible can seriously damage your health, so if you are an atheist or agnostic, don’t go near it as its truth is eternal in duration when it comes to spiritual truth manifested in the life of Jesus. Josh now believes in loving God and loving his neighbour as himself. What a wonderful change in his life has been wrought since Jesus came into his heart.

The Bible is the book that the Chinese Communist Part fears more than any other book, because it tells the truth. The North Korean Communist Party fear the Bible, the Russian fear the Bible, in-fact all false religions fear the Bible and its content, because there is power in the loving words of Jesus to change lives. No other religion teaches thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of your heart, mind, soul, spirit and strength and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self. Jesus went further, if you want to be disciples of mine, then you must love your enemies, and as we abide in Jesus daily he enables us to love our enemies, something we could not do in the natural, but when the supernatural is allowed to be imposed on the natural then we are changed into new creatures in Christ. This is why Christians are persecuted and imprisoned for distributing Bibles and preaching the gospel of God’s love and wisdom through Jesus Christ. Fear paralyses communist countries and all false man- made religions.

In short people are afraid of the Bible otherwise they would leave Christians alone. Many people read the Bible to find fault with it! A Pharisee named Ga-ma’liel a doctor of the law gave sound advice to the religious hierarchy in Jerusalem saying: Refrain from these men, and let them alone, for if this council or work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God [Acts 5:38-39]. What sound advice but they didn’t take heed. It is still the same today. Satanists in their temples and those involved witchcraft burn Bibles on a regular basis because of its contents. The devil and demons are consumed by great fear because they know that their time is short. The prophetic word will be fulfilled despite all the sufferings of Christians who have taken up the cross and followed Jesus to eternal glory.

Kind Regards

@Ana_crusis - 23.08.2023 20:14

If you want people to listen to this video you are going to have to do something about thie sound because it is far too low

@walterpay341 - 25.08.2023 17:56

In all of Hitchens debates against religion you can tell he talked with Dawkins a lot cause he was always exclaiming 'some design!'

@besreal3419 - 31.08.2023 23:32

"The earth is 10,000 years old" argument works if you consider us as only "seeing" a false reality as in Plato's cave or the dashboard theory whereby we believe what we are seeing on an airplane's dashboard of the airplane is the actual plane - instead of a representation of a generic airplane in cartoon fashion. If we could only see two-dimentional, a painting of the earth and believed it was the earth, when in fact, it is a painting, then the painting could be 10,000 years old. But if we were able to break apart the paint making up the painting, and measure the age of the molecules making up the paint, we'd likely find the molecules to be older than the painting. So it's possible and likely that all that we are able to detect with our eyes or by any other means of detection, is nonetheless, been "created" within the last 10,000 years and only made to appear to be much older; even having been composed of much older atomic particles.

@ndorphin2564 - 04.09.2023 11:50

The Evolution Delusion

@Ruhel74 - 09.09.2023 13:38

If you define God as an entity beyond the natural world it’s not a falsifiable belief but it would be a weird God …the natural world is way way more fascinating than was conceived in old scriptures ..

@Gizzmo112 - 10.09.2023 05:02

People know its real many do not want it to be real. You cant help this

@tolotolo2380 - 13.09.2023 22:42

When developed by Darwin evolution theory was fucking simple mutations and natural selection now resembles geocentric theory with all insane epicycles looks like Ockham principle doesn’t apply to your musings but you are so much smarter than average Joe so for sure in the end you guys figure that out

@CPHSDC - 09.10.2023 23:24

Arguing that Darwinian Evolution is not only a theory, but wrong in part, is not a religious argument. The fact that Creationists look at intelligent design as an explanation makes sense. The fact that evolutionists don't see the conundrum and irreconcilability of speciation by deterministic mechanisms as currently outlined makes them look, RELIGIOUS. Darwin knew NOTHING about the inner life of the cell. He would have had to revise his theory, being a fairly honest scientist with a pension, so he didn't have to pound dick to sell books. ONE DAY we will understand how DNA got going. But YOU DO NOT HAVE MASSIVE EVIDENCE. YOU LIE. Science does better without lunkheads like you.

@ingoditrust7784 - 02.11.2023 08:46

Dickie Dawkie knows that one generation down genetic information gets lost. This explains why species die in time. They adapt, get ever weaker, and finally die out. That's why if we were to live under the same conditions our ancestors lived under hundreds of years ago, our lives would be shorter. Because we get ever weaker. Adam and Eve and their descendants would never have died. They would simply have been assumed in Heaven at the right time. Original sin brought chaos to the living organisms of Creation. On a side note, I hope Dickie Dawkie knows life doesn't originate out of rock and sand. No matter how much time you wait. Centuries ago, people believed mice spontaneously bred out of dirty rags. Dickie Dawkie is living proof human intelligence also deteriorates in time. As if we needed such evidence. Pax Christi

@능청-x7m - 05.11.2023 06:58

제국주의의 나라였던 예전 영국은 이기적유전자가 많았던 시절이었나? 이 땅의 분열은 왜 생겼나는가? 이기적유전자의 지시가 아니었나 추측되네,...
이기적유전자책을 조금 읽다보니 생각나네,,,,

@junodonatus4906 - 18.11.2023 01:39

Arguing for evolution is good, undermining religion is better. Attack the attacker and expose the lies.

@DavidLoveMore - 18.11.2023 21:16

Dawkins seems to confuse asserting, assuming and explaining things with empirical science.

@DavidLoveMore - 18.11.2023 21:42

It's not just creationists that think that there are gaps in the fossil record, it Stephen J Gould. His theory of punctuated evolution rests on it. "Stasis is data."

@lenicois909 - 20.11.2023 18:50

this has 90 000 views and baby shark 13 billions... very sad.

@johnpro2847 - 10.01.2024 01:52

evolution is clearly wrong.. the devil planted this false evidence to draw people away from their favourite god..amen

@be2the4out - 24.01.2024 14:24

sorry i didnt get ANY 'evidence' to proof positivly on 'evelution' . i wouldnt have aplauded, i would tro tomatos LOL

@ravingangan9592 - 04.02.2024 23:12

Most retarded presentation ive ever seen. Cudnt finish .

@ALavin-en1kr - 16.02.2024 05:22

Three dimensions: Ideational; Energy or force; and the grossly physical. Evolution takes place in all of them and in their replication; the human form. Denying all except the physical, gross matter as origin is a bottom up rather than a top down of evolution. The correct, and rational, precession is devolution, evolution, involution: a circular progression. Evolution becomes linear on the ground: the worms eye view. Its origin in space: the bird’s eye view. That space, the heavens, played no role in evolution is nineteenth century thinking.

@noeditbookreviews - 08.03.2024 19:04

I haven't heard this one yet. But I love the Dawktor, and I love book.

@SleepyPenguin-8og - 02.04.2024 03:47

Say the bible is true. Sell drugs without consequence, never work a day in your life and never have to pay taxes. Works for u? Good.

@GayorgVonTrapp - 01.05.2024 22:05

It is impossible to have a relationship with a perfect being, if one existed that is.

@framethis - 11.05.2024 08:49

If i had the power i would make sure that every school private and public by law should teach every pupil about evolution...because we can prove it .Not one religion on earth can disprove it .

@framethis - 11.05.2024 08:58

I also think that what confuses people is they just cannot get their head around the vast time scale of years evolution took to produce US.That is where geologists can help to understand evolution when we look at the shape of countries coasts and see when we pull them together how closely they can fit like a jig saw.

@rainerkroeger4710 - 13.05.2024 00:05

A very boring talk with no evidence but pure asumptipns.

@RobertStambaugh-l5r - 14.05.2024 06:43

150 years since Darwin and still not a shred of evidence for evolution .
Richard Dawkins never presents any evidence for evolution .
Dawkins is like a catcher on a losing baseball team .
He talks a good game , but nothing else .

@PhilipHood-du1wk - 27.05.2024 18:33

Evolution takes a long time. Sometimes you have to build an arc.

@rexxx777 - 01.06.2024 06:36

Dawkins "evidence" relies on miraculous mutations that "poof", formed new structures and systems. Just watch how he tries to explain the development of the eye. He talks bs and alway has. He refuses to believe in God and will believe anything else.

@RichieW90210 - 02.06.2024 02:52

Why are there still monkeys?

@PietStassenAdamastor - 04.06.2024 06:36


In spite of all the robust ‘atheism’ rhetoric in the mainstream and social media, atheism simply still does not convince. Below see some good examples of how pro-evolutionist (atheist) narrators often contradict themselves in books and programmes on DSTV:

 “The lion is a magnificent CREATURE!”
Suggesting a CREATOR.

 “The cheetah is DESIGNED for short
bursts of speed, not for long-distance running!”
Suggesting a DESIGNER.

 “The kangaroo’s hindlegs are an ENGINEERING marvel!”
Suggesting an ENGINEER.

 “Nature rewards survivors with LONGEVITY!”
Nonsensical tautology: ‘Survivors will live for a long time!’

 “It’s all about the SURVIVAL of the FITTEST!”
Nonsensical tautology or reasoning in circles: “Why did the Panda survive?” > “It is the fittest!” > “Why is it the fittest?” > “Because it survived!” (They call this ‘science’?).

 “I BELIEVE in Evolution!”
Disingenuous religious terminology and not science jargon, showing up atheism-evolutionism as a belief-system and not an exact science.

 “The COSMOS is a place of spectacular, breathtaking beauty!”
Disingenuous use of the word ‘Cosmos’; atheists deny ‘intelligent design’ and are supposed to refer to the Universe as the ‘Chaos’, not the ‘Cosmos’ (‘Order’).

 “There is no such thing as GOOD & EVIL!”
Then they go ahead and say, “Religion is evil!” and object against Christians bringing prayer and the Bible into schools as ‘unfair’ (?).

 “There is no such thing as ABSOLUTE TRUTH!”
Then we cannot accept anything they have to say about atheism or God because they may not be telling the ‘absolute truth’ themselves.

 “There is no GOD!”
Scientists only know about 5% of what is going on in the Cosmos; the rest of the Cosmos consists of 95% ‘dark matter + dark energy undetected by astronomical and scientific instruments’. God may be obscured from their view and observations in the 95% they still do not about the Cosmos.

@PietStassenAdamastor - 09.06.2024 03:20

1. PROVING GOD DOES NOT EXIST. This is impossible, and I quote:

"It will take a super-being of infinite proportions and gifts to ever prove the non-existence of God, someone who is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and infinitely wise, for instance, someone like God Himself. Fact of life: Only God (‘YHVH, the ‘I AM’ of the Judeo-Christian Bible) has the stature, power, influence, authority, intelligence and scientific gravitas required to ever prove the so-called ‘non-existence’ of God. That He will obviously not do … an eagle does not jump into a cage of its own accord."
(Stassen, PJ, 'Debunking the Myth of Atheism-Evolutionism').

2. ATHEISM'S ABSURDITIES. Just because you cannot find Henry Ford in the engine compartment of a Ford automobile does not mean Henry Ford does not or did not exist. Observational science with slide rules, calculators, computers, telescopes, microscopes, spectroscopes and stethoscopes will never find God ... God is SPIRIT and invisible to the naked eye. Ordinary mortals cannot see electricty, radiowaves, microwaves, wi-fi etc., yet the manifestations of these invisible phenomena are pretty obvious in our daily lives. Likewise we see God manifested in the majesty and beauty of the Cosmos, Nature, Physics and the birth of a baby. When my son was born in 1979, I would, five minutes afterwards, have given my life for a little person that I five minutes before did not know from Adam. That is the wonder of Creation and God's love. 'Evolution' (and not even the smartest atheist) can explain that, so please do not even try ... you will only make one heck of a fool of yourself.
Do the math: Scientists concede that they only know about 5% of what is going on in the Universe. It thus stands to reason that God may be obscured from the scientists' view and observations in the 95% of the Cosmos they still know nothing about. That is just about all of the Cosmos (minus 5%). The multimillion-rupee question: Would you trust a surgeon to operate on your heart or brain if that surgeon (at varsity) only covered 5% of his course curriculum for doctors, but missed the rest? Yet, atheists have the gall to want to make pronouncements on the Nature and Character of God on only about 5% (collective) information about the Universe? Shall we laugh or cry?
Furthermore, even the 5% that the scientists say they know is anyway highly suspect ... how can anyone say he knows 5% of something when he does not even know what the 100% of that someting entails? Scientists have no clue what the sumtotal (100%) of all Cosmic knowledge entails ... how can they? So, we have no evidence that scientists know even the so-called 5% of the Cosmos as they are claiming to know; we have to take them on their word by faith.


"The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They acted corruptly, and have worked out abominable wickedness; there is not one doing good." (Psalm53:1bMKJV).
. "He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; Jehovah shall mock at them.  Then He shall speak to them in His anger, and trouble them in His wrath. (Psalm2:4-5MKJV).  
"The wise in heart will receive commandments; but a babbling fool shall fall." (Proverbs10:8MKJV).

@jacksonmcslapping2937 - 29.06.2024 05:59

arent we in the middle of evolution isnt every animal in the middle if a evolutionary change

@Nature-s7g - 06.07.2024 22:08

I believe in evolution, still do, but the idea of Horizontal Gene Transfer and convergent evolution challenges my evolutionary view? I always believed physical similarities and Dna are very strong points for evolution, but these two ideas mentioned above seem to challenge my view? Can anyone answer why these are not against evolution, I mean wht one should keep believing in evolution?

@AAT305 - 07.07.2024 23:53

Total defeat of the Christian holligans

@planje4740 - 10.07.2024 08:37

- аууууу
50 година дуго правите "космичку супу" пра почетак живота еволуцијом
/знате сад исто као и прије
- дакле како је живот почео

@pradeepbilurkar5629 - 26.08.2024 18:58

When it can not be explain, it is "natural"

@ArslanOtcular - 28.08.2024 21:38

Hernandez James Jones Mark Perez Helen

@군주-b9v - 30.08.2024 22:10

Martin Jason Hernandez Gary Williams Mary

@simonbaush6200 - 07.09.2024 15:33

Evolution regards EXISTING species, not the origin of life. The weakest link in the chain of the materialist narrative is, by far, origin of life theories. Abiogenesis states that given enough 'time' the 'right conditions', particles and molecules 'spontaneously' (miraculously) organize into insanely complex, self-replicating structures like a protein chain, BY CHANCE! This is the equivalent of saying that given enough time and the right conditions, a pile of planks and nails will build itself into a house! Materialists have a very hard time realizing how naive and irrational their beliefs are. Dawkins is just a preacher of such factually unsupported beliefs, that he presents as undeniable facts. So much for science!

@James-ns3zi - 22.09.2024 18:44

Dawkins said and I quote; "evolution is a fact"
100% false.
The intelligence of Richard Dawkins is highly overrated.

@PLASKETT7 - 06.10.2024 23:57

Don´t forget what Richard's idea of being guided by EVIDENCE rather than FAITH really is.
His world view is neo-Darwinism, i.e. selection from accidents. The maths behind which ought to give anyone reasonable doubt.
500 years before Christ, Anaximander conjectured forms may have changed. And there were evolutionists before Darwin, e.g. Cuvier, LeClerc, Lamarck, Buffon. Charles ́ own grandfather published Zoonomia in the late 1700s, with ideas not a million miles from Darwin ́s.
But in 1859 we were unaware of DNA. Richard now says DNA is like computer code. Bill Gates says it ́s more complex than any software ever devised. Such code can only arise from accidents if you accept odds of trillions to one.
So today Darwin would have to write, "I do not know what The Origin of Species was. But DNA proves SOMETHING KNEW. (Although from these data we may glean nothing about what did it, how it managed it, nor even why it bothered.")

@MT-kx2uc - 13.10.2024 07:22

Excellent answer about Israel. Unfortunately he now gives Israel a free pass due to his hatred of Muslim people (not just Islam).

@GaryNix - 18.10.2024 09:37


@NT-jb2vy - 05.11.2024 23:16


@vesuvandoppelganger - 28.11.2024 21:09

Evolution is impossible. In order for an animal to evolve the sequence of nucleotide bases in the genome would have to change. However, randomly changing the nucleotide base sequence will simply destroy the instructions for creating that animal from a zygote. Randomly changing the nucleotide base sequence won't cause some kind of evolution towards a new and different animal. Doing that will only cause disorder, deformities and death. The animal would become extinct because of nonviable nucleotide base sequences long before reaching a viable nucleotide base sequence that creates a new and different animal.
