Blender Beginner Tutorial - Part 1

Blender Beginner Tutorial - Part 1

CG Fast Track

1 год назад

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@JhonDoe-u8n - 08.01.2025 14:06

Holy crap I made it to the end, i wont be making the final character animation yet, but i got the rest done and the result is beautiful. thank you for the great tutorial again :)

@Stix067 - 10.01.2025 20:25

how is ur shaded sword corners so crisp, my shaded sword is very pixilated and it is realy demoralising. please help

@Regsfoto - 13.01.2025 20:53

I've been playing with Blender off and on for a while now and this really taught me a lot, without question probably the best beginner tutorial available! Your teaching method is easy to follow, thorough and well paced and at the end you come away with an exciting project, what more could you ask for!

@WhispersHeart9 - 14.01.2025 07:45

This is the best tutorial in my life, lecturer very patient person and detail explanation. Thank you very much.

@DripKnight - 17.01.2025 03:34

Thank You, this tutorial series was the best I've ever experienced when learning a new program that seems so grand.

@SkyrishCrusader-j9x - 18.01.2025 12:22

i dont know what it is about this guys videos that differ from EVERYONE ELSES. But I just got my @$$ handed to me while trying to follow a clothing tutorial and I CANT GET THEM TO WORK! i don't know if I'm missing a step or what but, damn it man. my idea of making a cinematic with the tools I have are looking very VERY IMPOSSIBLE!

@nethernox - 19.01.2025 12:51

If anyone's having some sort of trouble with the camera not fully showing the sword in the animation view, then set your Location Z to about 1.1, it should help. At least, that's what I had to do with my scene despite following this word for word when it comes to values.
Hope this helps! (I'm using 4.3 btw, in case anyone was wondering.)

Edit: I figured out the issue and I feel so silly lol

@bladenskellett4726 - 20.01.2025 21:24

My whole sword went bright blue and the handle is purple, does anyone know what tf happened

@saadnatek - 22.01.2025 13:16

When i delete the cube in geometry node all the cubes are gone ??

@Xktra - 23.01.2025 09:23

Best beginniner guide

@sidpattan5024 - 24.01.2025 02:24

My rocks were huge merging with my sword and all there want many of them any fixes

@craftmind_manipulation - 24.01.2025 22:08

please i can't find the lazy node folder

@iamnotgay11 - 25.01.2025 21:20

you are the best. Thenks so much mate.

@Crazyminded2k3 - 28.01.2025 17:17

files not working in blender 3.5 version

@jasonrogers4520 - 31.01.2025 00:42

Great tutorial! I would recommend an update that takes into account the latest Blender updates, such as inclusion of raytracing.

@legacyfilms4278 - 31.01.2025 23:19

what if we dont have volumetrics in our render settings?

@legacyfilms4278 - 01.02.2025 03:03

bruh i rendered the first part fine then i added a character and it wont render at all

@beezno189 - 01.02.2025 08:07

Thank you so much @robbybranham for taking all the time and effort to make this animation.

@Alarist82 - 08.02.2025 21:33

@CGFastTrack thank u so much, I've started with our over 3 years ago with this tutorial.
Now i'm a pro at Blender, thank u so much.
Can you make other tutorial about video editing in blender?

@redcap117 - 09.02.2025 04:59

Anyone know if there’s a way to change the color of the lightning?

@orelezigraphics - 10.02.2025 00:07

hello sir, in the recent blender update, there isnt any volumetrics

@doronharry2857 - 11.02.2025 14:03

Why didn't you use the blade tip for lighting?

@codybirky3560 - 13.02.2025 00:55

i dont have the volumetrics thing. is that updated too?

@MrJbartley - 14.02.2025 23:59

Outstanding! Thankyou

@Radhavallabh_shriharivansh1 - 17.02.2025 17:21

I have spent 3 days with totalling of 4-4.5 hrs, in building this project, without any previous knowledge. You have been a heroic figure for me in all these parts, i have learned many things through out this series. Thank you for everything, i am very greatful for everything you have taught me❤❤😊😊

@soumikmukherjee840 - 18.02.2025 15:08

On 4.3 since the bloom has already bneen moved to composite, we already have an active glare node with bloom. Is there a way to keep the bloom and work with the ghost at the same time? I like the way the light comes in with bloom, but that means i am having to sacrifice the lens flare with the ghost setting on instead of bloom. Any healp will be appreciated, folks. Thanks.

@Tobiiask - 19.02.2025 20:21

Just completed in full after 5 hours! Great tutorial for someone who has never used Blender before. Looking into buying your full class rn :) Thanks

@321rowing - 20.02.2025 23:33

In case anybody needs this:
On 4.2 (and later I suppose) It wouldn't let me have a Glare node with Ghosts AND Bloom.
- Duplicate the Render Layers node (Shift + D).
-Add a Glare Node to one, set to Ghosts.
-Add another Glare Node to the duplicate, set to Bloom.
-Use a Mix Color Node (either Mix or Add mode) to combine both effects before the Color balance node.

@WELdd777-y - 21.02.2025 03:29

How i can change color FX of Lightning ?

@WinterSoldierUK - 21.02.2025 16:18

Did part 4 ever arrive? Don't leave us hanging - this is an amazing tutorial!

@lebedsam1357 - 24.02.2025 05:01

Thanks a lot for this Robbie.

@ayodeleadisa5937 - 25.02.2025 07:37

I can't move my lights around 😢

@regis8066 - 26.02.2025 04:41

The amount of work behind this course is priceless. Really appreciate it, reminding the tips, shorctuts settings etc every step to build muscle memory and give real perspective and knowledge what are we doing right now. Since start you learn newbies a good habits. Love yours approach to share experience. Wish everyone had a teachers like you.

@Take_Flight465 - 26.02.2025 09:36

Supper Happy with this experience. Thanks Muchly.

@HMDTEX - 27.02.2025 08:02

I did it!

@FilmoraTipsandDemosbyCla-wd9jo - 27.02.2025 20:56

I followed the "Random Value" and followed the steps. However a simpler way was to just drag out from "Instance Index"-> drop->change "Integer" to Vector (which disconnects from Instance Index)-> drag from "Value" to Rotation". I should add I'm using version 4.1.1 not the latest.

@jayyynos - 28.02.2025 05:30

This is the best tutorial I have ever seen in my life. I tried Blender a couple of times during the last months but I was doing it for few days then stop completly for weeks. This one is just insane, it's super easy to understand what we are doing and now I know I will use this tutorial for my own ( I hope) future creations. The result is DOPE AS FUCK !!!! I'm so proud of me, thanks you !!!

@kmsg225 - 28.02.2025 10:26

hi ! , i finished your course and loved the content and the pace and i LOVED IT , i would love to take your paid courses but seems like its too costly for a person like me and i am from india so if there is a discount or anyother way i can access your course for a less price if possible please let me know.

@pausalas4102 - 28.02.2025 21:08

when I put my render view My blade is all shiny and like a white color, then my handle is purple, and the interior pommel all blue, PLEASE HELP
