2020 New Robots

New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete (Corridor Digital) Corridor Digital 90,144,917 5 лет назад
Atlas Gets a Grip | Boston Dynamics Boston Dynamics 10,371,487 2 года назад
New dog-like robot from Boston Dynamics can open doors Guardian News 5,793,734 7 лет назад
Introducing NEO Beta | A Humanoid Robot for the Home 1X 767,041 6 месяцев назад
Robot Attacks Factory Worker! #shorts Sozo Bear Films 15,743,917 2 года назад
Unbelievable Robot Dance by Boston dynamics AwesomeTech 1,561,692 3 года назад
9 Most Advanced AI Robots - Humanoid & Industrial Robots TerkRecoms - Tech TV 6,272,052 5 лет назад
World's Most Advanced Stunt Robots Xplained 2,226,485 2 года назад
Iphone Or Super Cute Robot? #shorts PANDA BOI 429,960,162 3 года назад
Top Most Advance AI Humanoid Robots HI TEK ROBOTICS 2020 Battle of the machines 155 4 года назад
The weird and wonderful world of robots at CES 2020 Android Central 33,039 5 лет назад
Robot Dog Out of Control! William Edward Hahn, PhD 738,022 2 года назад
Introducing Reachy the new open source interactive robot - 2020 Pollen Robotics 79,232 5 лет назад
US Unveils Shocking New Humanoid Robots at CES 2025! TechVision 24,072 1 месяц назад