3Blue1Brown Translated By Sciberia

There's more to those colliding blocks that compute pi 3Blue1Brown 3,559 55 лет назад
[DeepLearning | видео 1] Что же такое нейронная сеть? 3Blue1Brown translated by Sciberia 830,791 6 лет назад
3blue1brown swearing :/ Fruit punch 308,302 3 года назад
Music People Aren't Math People - Grant Sanderson @3blue1brown Dwarkesh Patel 326,639 1 год назад
Les Turbo Cancers ! [Ne nous fâchons pas] La Tronche en Biais 5,243 4 часа назад
The topology of two-note chords 3Blue1Brown 920,506 1 месяц назад
Why the ancient Greeks rejected heliocentrism 3Blue1Brown 483,375 55 лет назад
Why this puzzle is impossible 3Blue1Brown 3,230,840 7 лет назад
The Extraordinary Math Boy (feat. 3Blue1Brown) - Objectivity 225 Objectivity 139,312 4 года назад
Space filling curves filling with water Steve Mould 8,491,698 1 год назад
The Brachistochrone, with Steven Strogatz 3Blue1Brown 1,345,835 8 лет назад
How to estimate the distance to the sun 3Blue1Brown 935,240 55 лет назад
The Problem With Math Textbooks - Grant Sanderson @3blue1brown Dwarkesh Patel 563,669 1 год назад
Researchers thought this was a bug (Borwein integrals) 3Blue1Brown 4,139,896 2 года назад
Math Meme Review with Grant Sanderson (3Blue1Brown) Lex Fridman 957,540 4 года назад
Hilbert's Curve: Is infinite math useful? 3Blue1Brown 2,297,328 7 лет назад
Are There Too Many Math Majors? @3blue1brown Dwarkesh Patel 147,505 1 год назад
Bayes theorem, the geometry of changing beliefs 3Blue1Brown 4,764,084 5 лет назад
But what is the Fourier Transform? A visual introduction. 3Blue1Brown 10,884,899 7 лет назад
seems like the most popular answer is 69... @3blue1brown Shahriar Hasan Emon 350,976 2 года назад
Fractals are typically not self-similar 3Blue1Brown 4,169,347 8 лет назад
[Covid-19] Экспоненциальный рост и эпидемии 3Blue1Brown translated by Sciberia 11,981 4 года назад