
What is a zener diode? Afrotechmods 1,151,601 9 лет назад
Siglent SSA3032X Spectrum Analyzer Review & Experiments Afrotechmods 96,859 7 лет назад
MOSFET Explained - How MOSFET Works The Engineering Mindset 1,618,534 1 год назад
Switch mode power supply tutorial: DC-DC buck converters Afrotechmods 988,291 10 лет назад
How Resistor Work - Unravel the Mysteries of How Resistors Work! The Engineering Mindset 4,222,057 1 год назад
Inductors Explained - The basics how inductors work working principle The Engineering Mindset 4,634,262 5 лет назад
Fun with 1.1GHz Potato chips Afrotechmods 294,250 7 лет назад
Arduino Basics 101: Hardware Overview, Fundamental Code Commands GreatScott! 1,132,217 8 лет назад
Don't build this 12V DC to 120V AC inverter circuit. Afrotechmods 447,859 8 лет назад
Why electrolytic capacitors are actually kinda crappy Afrotechmods 604,438 6 лет назад
"It's not the volts that kill you, it's the amps" Afrotechmods 1,482,332 13 лет назад
You can learn Arduino in 15 minutes. Afrotechmods 9,856,277 7 лет назад
THE BEST Multimeter tutorial (HD) Afrotechmods 5,942,172 14 лет назад
I built a laser tripwire circuit... Afrotechmods 245,423 15 лет назад
Inductor basics - What is an inductor? Afrotechmods 2,026,145 13 лет назад
Adjustable switch mode power supply tutorial Afrotechmods 273,179 10 лет назад