Aleksandr Kotov

A Very Unique Smothered Mate By Alexander Kotov Chess with Suren 15,827 6 лет назад
Paul Keres vs Alexander Kotov - Budapest Candidates (1950) Historical Chess Videos 2,243 1 год назад
Cenek Kottnauer vs Alexander Kotov (1946) Historical Chess Videos 1,328 1 год назад
Alexander Kotov vs Mikhail Tal • URS-ch25 - Riga, 1958 The Last Chess 2,224 7 месяцев назад
Kilian Ort vs Aleksandar Karakasevic (TTBL Selected) Tischtennis Bundesliga 4,106 4 года назад
Sac The Queeeeen !! | Yuri Averbakh vs. Alexander Kotov, 1953 Zurich Poetic Chess Journey 1,661 10 месяцев назад
Alexander Kotov vs Mikhail Tal • USSR Championship, 1958 The Last Chess 2,791 4 месяца назад
Think Like a Grandmaster by Kotov #5 Historical Chess Videos 1,322 5 лет назад
Think Like a Grandmaster by Kotov #2 Historical Chess Videos 2,715 5 лет назад
Alexander Kotov vs Mikhail Yudovich Sr (1939 ) Historical Chess Videos 3,121 2 года назад
Alexander Kotov vs Tigran V Petrosian: Moscow 1949 Chess School 12,277 7 лет назад
Rethinking Human Chess Calculation: Beyond Kotov's Tree Dr. Can's Chess Clinic 5,044 1 год назад
Efim Geller vs Alexander Kotov - USSR Championship (1955) Historical Chess Videos 780 3 месяца назад
Happy Birthday Alexander Kotov! August 12th 2020 the chess nerd 247 4 года назад