Ancient Nerds

Ethnohistorian's View on Teotihuacan! ANCIENT NERDS 64 1 год назад
The Life of Tom Bombadil | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 851,049 1 год назад
The Darkest Depths of the Ancient Egypt Iceberg! The Pharaoh Nerd 422,215 2 года назад
Thailand's top places for history NERDS! Bangkok Jack 391 8 месяцев назад
The Osiris Shaft - A Conversation with Ancient Nerds Institute for Natural Philosophy 305 4 месяца назад
Lords of the Valar | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 738,927 3 года назад
History Nerds tim daniel 2,397 8 лет назад
The Balrogs of Morgoth | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 2,977,293 3 года назад
Glaurung, Ancalagon, & the Dragons of The Silmarillion | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 1,710,247 3 года назад
The History of Moria (Khazad-dûm) | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 3,685,577 3 года назад
A Guide to Tolkien's Elves | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 921,973 3 года назад
The Life of Smaug & the Dragons of the North | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 3,867,849 3 года назад
History of Nerds TheOneLifeNerdSquad 92 15 лет назад
The History of Númenor | Tolkien Explained Nerd of the Rings 2,203,122 3 года назад
Ask YouTube History Nerds: What Is Your Favorite Historical Quote? That Was History 2,477 9 лет назад
How to Beat the ANCIENT MONSTERS in 65 Nerd Explains 421,256 1 год назад