Apex Legends Barrel

Flatline With A Barrel Stabilizer bobz 43,304 3 года назад
Caustic's *NEW* Barrel Ability is BROKEN in Apex Legends ayex 40,403 5 месяцев назад
The Red Barrel Stabilizer Is AMAZING! bobz 49,577 2 года назад
The Immovable Caustic Barrel in Apex Legends BeanBag 159,366 3 года назад
*new* EPG Movement is BREAKING Apex Legends ayex 36,148 2 дня назад
INSANE Gold Barrel Stabilizer (Apex Legends) a Fish In The Sea 608 2 года назад
BING BANG BAMBOOZLE | Apex Legends Live Jodesy 143 1 день назад
So what does a barrel stabilizer do# Apex legends Lemaanite Gaming 20 4 года назад
Every single optic on the Kraber Skeptation 3,831,850 3 года назад