Borderlands 2 Melee Gaige Build Showcase

Borderlands 2: Melee Gaige - Build Showcase Demonite 53,203 8 лет назад
Melee Gaige Build + Gameplay (OP 10, UCP) Squeek Cheesetaker 6,134 4 года назад
Weird Builds That Work: Melee Gaige! (At OP 0) shadowevil 4,931 5 лет назад
Borderlands 2: OP0 Pete vs Melee Gaige in 38 seconds Demonite 9,014 8 лет назад
10 WILD Things That You Didn't Know About Borderlands 2! Joltzdude139 226,603 8 месяцев назад
Borderlands 2: OP8 Terramorphous vs Gaige in 1:30 Demonite 10,155 8 лет назад
UVHM2: Melee Gaige - Hyperius omegasupreme101 1,490 11 лет назад
Proof of concept - Melee Gaige Duckweed 52 5 лет назад
NEW COMBOS FOR 2025 Balls2U 737 3 дня назад
Glitches In Borderlands 2 That Still Work In 2024 Spowerade 192,630 1 год назад
Borderlands 2 Vault Hunter Tier List Dead Shot 25,096 5 месяцев назад
The Ultimate Gaige Guide in 60 Seconds! MrTx01 49,014 4 месяца назад
Max Anarchy Melee Gaige Test Senda 22 5 лет назад
2 Ways to Make Gaige INVINCIBLE in Borderlands 2! MrTx01 523,630 6 месяцев назад
Borderlands 2 Gaige vs Terramorphous L80 1min 49secs nat_zero_six 9,329 5 лет назад
Melee Gaige Borderlands 2 Baenos 0 91 3 года назад
Borderlands 2 Melee Gaige vs Hyperius L72 nat_zero_six 812 5 лет назад
Gaige "With Claws" Melee gear. 700k+ per swipe. Non-slag/crit. Dædal Nevvick 5,042 12 лет назад
Melee Gaige Vs. OP10 Southpaw but I play better Mostly Childish 3,507 4 года назад