Carbon Aeronautics

More Details to the Carbon Aeronautics Drone Build. Robert Parenton 320 1 год назад
1 | How to simulate a drone motor mathematically Carbon Aeronautics 19,397 2 года назад
1 | Get started with Arduino and the Teensy 4.0 microcontroller Carbon Aeronautics 41,204 2 года назад
0 | You can build a drone with less than 40 components Carbon Aeronautics 92,078 2 года назад
15 | Combine a gyroscope and accelerometer to measure angles - precisely Carbon Aeronautics 196,288 2 года назад
4 | How to use the MPU6050 with Arduino and Teensy Carbon Aeronautics 43,793 2 года назад
14 | Measure angles with the MPU6050 accelerometer Carbon Aeronautics 182,265 2 года назад
The Carbon Aeronautics Drone Build. 2nd video! Robert Parenton 356 1 год назад
Build and program this Arduino drone yourself! Carbon Aeronautics 170,457 2 года назад
19 | Combine an accelerometer and barometer to measure altitude Carbon Aeronautics 25,522 2 года назад
A new Safran Aerospace Composites plant, in Rochester Safran 36,270 10 лет назад
20241022 YANGDA From Carbon Fiber Materials to Complete Airframe Melody Tan 2,900 4 месяца назад
17 | Measure altitude with the BMP280 barometric sensor Carbon Aeronautics 23,311 2 года назад
12 | Program a PID controller to stabilize a drone Carbon Aeronautics 28,945 2 года назад
4 | Use the Root Locus method to tune a PID controller Carbon Aeronautics 8,122 1 год назад
5 | How to calibrate the MPU6050 with Arduino and Teensy Carbon Aeronautics 51,986 2 года назад
Airbus vs Boeing Cockpit? ️ Xtreme Aviation 1,236,012 2 года назад