Catherine And Justin Chinese Class佳佳的美式英文课

Catherine Chinese class 佳佳的中英文课 Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 28 6 лет назад
I’m going to play what I can do 佳佳的钢琴课,Catherine and Justin Chinese class Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 2,049 6 лет назад
Catherine playing at Costco 佳佳在美國好市多的鋼琴彈奏Catherine and Justin Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 1,790 3 месяца назад
2018 first day of 中国Chinese new year新年,和佳佳一起学新年英文Catherine and Justin Chinese class Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 2,014 6 лет назад
Preparing for the Christmas recital at the senior center為老人院聖誕演出做準備Catherine and Justin Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 851 2 месяца назад
Design your course,expand out for more challenging routes,Power treads review開箱動力踏板車,設計挑戰更多組合 Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 3,731 7 дней назад
全英|美剧推荐!又有意思又适合练口语! 莉雅老师教英语 21,272 2 дня назад
蔬菜Vegetables Sayur sayuran 英文English 华文 快乐FUN小学堂 21 3 года назад
冒煙的冰淇淋 還有濃濃的酒味XD 陳小貝 273 13 лет назад
攀岩‍️投球游戏Rock climbing pitching game,Catherine and Justin Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 48 6 лет назад
Health Happens Here at the California Museum HealthHappensHere 479 12 лет назад
How to say the most popular transportation vehicles in Chinese 6款常見車英語怎麼說?Catherine and Justin Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 4,450 2 года назад
Little cuties, When Catherine was 6 or 7 years old,New study video coming soon Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 6,797 1 год назад
Children museum,justin at kids fun museum 贾斯丁在美国儿童博物馆,Catherine and Justin Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 1,235 8 лет назад
Catherine ballat show佳佳的芭蕾舞表演 Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 823 8 лет назад
Piano solo:Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy鋼琴獨奏:月光,Catherine and Justin Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 12,471 8 месяцев назад
Real wood train trip坐西雅图木头大火车 Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 543 8 лет назад
Toy review .Beanie Boo Pixy fun time独家兽弹钢琴,和佳佳学纯正的英语,Catherine and Justin Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 1,420 6 лет назад
佳佳每周一的体操课Gymnastics class ,Catherine and Chinese class Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 57 6 лет назад
Catherine piano show佳佳在美国的钢琴表演 Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 38 6 лет назад
好吃的虾仁炒饭Shrimp fried white rice Justin Chinese and English class 学日常点滴的纯正美式英语 Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 8 6 лет назад
2024 year book, thanks for your support, Catherine and Justin Catherine and Justin Chinese class佳佳的美式英文课 64 1 месяц назад