Christopher Mcnicholas

1. Introduction to the Liturgy of the Hours Christopher McNicholas 40,706 5 лет назад
D. Christian Prayer - Night Prayer Christopher McNicholas 1,199 5 лет назад
C. Christian Prayer - Evening Prayer Christopher McNicholas 2,083 5 лет назад
7. Daytime Prayer - Step 4 of Praying the Liturgy of the Hours Christopher McNicholas 5,116 5 лет назад
SOL2 - Solemnities - Liturgy of The Hours Christopher McNicholas 896 5 лет назад
Prayer Series: Liturgy of the Hours Nativity Parish Burke 338 4 года назад
Liturgy of the Hours Morning Pray Feb 17 LOH TV 23 4 года назад
SOL3 - Feasts - Liturgy of The Hours Christopher McNicholas 778 5 лет назад
SOL5 - Christian Prayer handling of Solemnities/Feasts/Memorials Christopher McNicholas 824 5 лет назад
7th English,Unit:3,Prose:A Prayer to the Teacher Grace, Madurai 311 4 года назад
lololololololol XD Chris Mcnicholas 52 6 лет назад
B. Christian Prayer - Invitatory + Morning Prayer Christopher McNicholas 6,254 5 лет назад
The Ordo Christopher McNicholas 2,381 5 лет назад
SOL4 - Memorials - Liturgy of the Hours Christopher McNicholas 918 5 лет назад
11. Concluding Remarks Christopher McNicholas 2,029 5 лет назад
4. Intermission - Index! Christopher McNicholas 5,403 5 лет назад
2. Setting Up The Liturgy of The Hours Christopher McNicholas 21,230 5 лет назад
Shorter Christian Prayer Christopher McNicholas 11,279 5 лет назад
Reacting to Kurt love story I made this Chris Mcnicholas 32 6 лет назад
9. Evening/Night Prayers on Weekends and Solemnities Christopher McNicholas 2,610 5 лет назад