Community Living

Marcus Gad & Tribe - Community Living Marcus Gad 176,568 7 лет назад
4 Families Come Together to Share and Live Simply in Community! Robin Greenfield 30,245 3 года назад
Cohousing communities help prevent social isolation PBS NewsHour 567,836 8 лет назад
Could living in a commune be the cure for society? The Guardian 52,750 5 месяцев назад
The Biggest Challenges of Intentional Communities Celastrina Rebecka 44,780 2 года назад
Top 5 Off-Grid Communities (Earthships / Homesteads) Off the Cuff 235,275 2 года назад
230 People LIVING COMMUNALLY: TOUR of Ithaca EcoVillage — Ep. 051 Flock Finger Lakes 2,058,660 3 года назад
Friends couldn't afford rent. Pooled together to buy homes instead Kirsten Dirksen 661,712 5 месяцев назад
Whole ecovillage fits inside giant greenhouse: walkable, weatherproof Kirsten Dirksen 660,828 3 месяца назад
Community Living Ontario Celebrates 70th Anniversary! Community Living Ontario 566 1 год назад
7 years of living in an eco village Celastrina Rebecka 38,709 3 года назад
16 Years in a Tiny Earth House | Intentional Community Living Celastrina Rebecka 1,119 1 год назад