Computer Induced Apocalypse

The Computer Bug That Almost Ended The World | The Y2k Debacle NationSquid 2,825,682 3 года назад
Y2K Problem: A Computer Apocalypse | The Millennium Bug Black & White Show 120 3 года назад
The Y2K Scare | National Geographic National Geographic 565,768 10 лет назад
How One Computer Bug Almost Ended the World Visual Venture 445,799 6 месяцев назад
The Y2K Apocalypse Internet Historian 7,433,111 6 лет назад
Y2K Bug: The Day the World Almost Ended James William Steven Parker ( 1,852 1 год назад
Y2K Bug Disaster: What Really Happened ColdData 13,380 9 месяцев назад
THE 2038 EFFECT: A COMPUTER APOCALYPSE? | Draw My Life Draw The Life TikTak 29,874 3 года назад
Y2K Computer Bug / Crash Dusan Calic 73,115 9 лет назад
That Time the World Almost Ended The Science Elf 744,284 6 лет назад
The Binary Apocalypse: Y2K Bleeding Edge 441 4 года назад
The Universe is Hostile to Computers Veritasium 23,515,312 3 года назад
Is your computer Y2K compliant? Bpiskorik Films 1,628 2 месяца назад
The Code That Nearly Ended the World AsicBit 11,251 6 месяцев назад
Millennium Bug (20yrs on) - Computerphile Computerphile 195,740 5 лет назад
Y2K Bug: The Millennium Computer Crisis JourneyAcrossHistory 3,937 10 месяцев назад