Detective Eliteprime

Escaping Magical PORTAL GUN In GTA 5 RP Detective ElitePrime 8,896 13 часов назад
He Tried To Get Revenge On Cops - GTA 5 RP Detective ElitePrime 24,250 6 дней назад
Climbing The Walls To Escape Cops - GTA 5 RP Detective ElitePrime 6,748 2 дня назад
Using SANTA'S Real SLED - GTA 5 RP Detective ElitePrime 10,643 7 дней назад
He Sent Players To The Atmosphere In GTA 5 RP Detective ElitePrime 12,197 12 дней назад
The Worst Thing I’ve Ever Seen In GTA 5 Roleplay Detective ElitePrime 30,531 5 месяцев назад
Cops Sent Their Best DRIVERS In GTA 5 Roleplay Detective ElitePrime 10,604 54 года назад
The Chained Criminals In GTA 5 Roleplay Detective ElitePrime 11,216 54 года назад
They Cannot Stop Us Now In GTA 5 Roleplay Detective ElitePrime 20,403 3 месяца назад
The ANGRIEST Karen Mom In GTA 5 RP Detective ElitePrime 14,558 1 месяц назад
This Guy Needs To Be Stopped In GTA 5 Roleplay Detective ElitePrime 14,128 2 месяца назад
The Bike Life Take Over In GTA 5 Roleplay Detective ElitePrime 15,183 4 месяца назад
No one Expected This In GTA 5 Roleplay Detective ElitePrime 15,650 1 месяц назад
She Nearly Quit! Forever In GTA 5 Roleplay Detective ElitePrime 22,232 4 месяца назад
The Most Serious Troll In GTA 5 RP Detective ElitePrime 12,379 4 месяца назад
Super BMX Annoys Players In GTA 5 Roleplay Detective ElitePrime 30,908 2 месяца назад
Watch Out This Magic Car Drops Spikes in GTA 5 RP Detective ElitePrime 15,961 4 месяца назад
Doing The Police Shift - UPDATE ON CAR - GTA 5 RP Detective ElitePrime 4,992 3 дня назад
Will You Survive? - GTA 5 Roleplay Detective ElitePrime 5,298 2 месяца назад
The Opie Bounty In GTA 5 RP Detective ElitePrime 12,516 4 месяца назад