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The Gifted Adult | Lynn Berresford | TEDxTauranga TEDx Talks 149,593 7 лет назад
How to tell the difference between giftedness, ADHD and autism when the signs are so similar ThriveMind Gifted Coaching 61,177 6 месяцев назад
The Misdiagnosis of Gifted Children SENG - Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted 124,326 13 лет назад
6 Types of Gifted People - Which One Are You? Psych2Go 737,726 3 года назад
Why Being Gifted Actually Makes Life Harder HealthyGamerGG 612,414 2 года назад
What Happens When a Gifted Kid Grows Up HealthyGamerGG 141,531 2 года назад
When you grew up GIFTED | Gifted Kid Syndrome: The Musical Pixel Playhouse 73,023 1 месяц назад
Why Gifted Kids Are Actually Special Needs HealthyGamerGG 6,442,185 3 года назад
Dr. Deborah Ruf about the Five Levels of Gifted Femke Hovinga-Tiller 37,915 4 года назад
Being a gifted kid wrecked my 20s. Here's how I fixed it. Jin Kwon 410,130 1 год назад
ADHD Qualities and Signs of Giftedness #shorts Gloria Joy Sherrod, LCPC - Adulting with ADHD 2,259 2 года назад
why so many redditors think they were 'Gifted Kids' ian kung 406,509 2 года назад
Am I gifted, or is it ADHD? Jessica Kellgren-Fozard 51,987 3 месяца назад
Koffee - Gifted (Official Audio) Original Koffee 1,849,787 2 года назад