James Randi

Homeopathy, quackery and fraud | James Randi | TED TED 4,392,793 14 лет назад
James Randi: Debunking The Paranormal | Studio 10 Studio 10 2,093,549 10 лет назад
How to Squash a Paranormal Claim | James Randi | Big Think Big Think 1,312,622 12 лет назад
The Amazing Randi | James Randi | Talks at Google Talks at Google 670,377 17 лет назад
James Randi Stops His Pulse | Carson Tonight Show Johnny Carson 66,187 2 года назад
The Amazing James Randi | Champions of Reason Rationality Rules 143,132 4 года назад
Psychic Cringe Fails 6 - More Amazing James Randi Chodmunch 4,105,001 6 лет назад
James Randi - Investigating Pseudoscientific and Paranormal Claims Barry Belmont 374,160 13 лет назад
James Randi: Scientists Fooled by a Match Box Trick JamesRandiFoundation 3,996,444 15 лет назад
James Randi Speaks: Questioning the Bible JamesRandiFoundation 1,081,358 15 лет назад
James Randi Speaks: The Compass Trick JamesRandiFoundation 852,642 15 лет назад
James Randi - Surviving the Quacks! NECSS 659,853 11 лет назад
James Randi: Science Will Never Support Religion | Big Think Big Think 491,932 13 лет назад
Die Zerstörung von Uri Geller Matthias Berger 1,338,019 2 года назад
David Copperfield - Death Saw Illusion in HD Hey Presto 1,106,347 3 года назад
Eminem - Houdini [Official Music Video] EminemMusic 220,023,160 9 месяцев назад
James Randi exposes Hydrick filmtubense 4,249,853 16 лет назад
James Randi & Matt Dillahunty In Conversation Pangburn 246,828 7 лет назад
The Amazing Randi: Tissue Trick Miami Herald 673,626 10 лет назад