Jonas Čeika Cck Philosophy

Why did the middle classes support fascism? Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 560,071 5 месяцев назад
My 10 Favorite Books I've Read in 2024 Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 27,504 1 месяц назад
Marx was not a "statist" Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 288,061 4 года назад
The Philosophy of Comedy | Henri Bergson Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 110,227 3 месяца назад
Berserk as a Nietzschean Tragedy — Art, Morality, Affirmation Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 793,125 3 года назад
Why equality is unhelpful as a political goal Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 432,108 6 лет назад
A Postmodernism FAQ: Part III - Postmodernity Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 81,459 6 лет назад
Neoliberalism, World Music and Corporate Aesthetics Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 276,195 6 лет назад
A Postmodernism FAQ: Part II - How does postmodernism differ from X? Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 94,781 6 лет назад
GOTHAMCHESS is the BEST (funny moments) S2E3 PIEchess 22,040 2 месяца назад
Nietzsche's Body: Health, Sickness, and Suffering Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 67,657 2 года назад
The Proletariat and the Problem of Unproductive Labor Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 174,626 1 год назад
Did the Sokal affair "destroy postmodernism"? Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 194,603 6 лет назад
A Postmodernism FAQ: Part I - Introduction Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 211,587 6 лет назад
What does social construction really mean? Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 247,299 6 лет назад
Learning about Marx with Jordan Peterson (feat. Anarchopac and Red Plateaus) Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 395,415 5 лет назад
A Critique of Sam Harris' "The Moral Landscape" Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 431,167 6 лет назад
URBAN GUERRILLAS: The Decade of Left-Wing Terrorism Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 344,083 11 месяцев назад
The Problem With Human Rights Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 457,807 5 лет назад
The German Revolution of 1918: How it All Began Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 179,874 2 года назад
What are societies of control? Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 335,385 5 лет назад
Jordan Peterson doesn't understand postmodernism Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 1,100,152 6 лет назад
What did Baudrillard think about The Matrix? Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 585,427 5 лет назад
Post-Punk, Mark Fisher & Popular Modernism Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 137,102 8 месяцев назад
The Simpsons and the Death of Parody Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 993,262 4 года назад
Postmodernism is not identity politics Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 321,192 6 лет назад
Hauntology, Lost Futures and 80s Nostalgia (VHS Format) Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 57,424 10 месяцев назад
Why did Schopenhauer HATE Hegel? Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy 123,411 2 года назад