Jonathan Soma

Sorting documents (Practical AI for Investigative Journalism, Session 1) Jonathan Soma 1,721 10 месяцев назад
Host a website on GitHub Pages without using git Jonathan Soma 2,223 8 лет назад
SOMA MOVE® Linus Johansson 13,410 4 года назад
Celebrate Rochester - Rochester Brainery The 191 Group 102 9 лет назад
Advanced Python Concepts_Part 1 VCET-FE Internship 2020 623 4 года назад
Learn to be Smaart (Under less than 3 minutes) Part 1 Zoltán Csurgai - SOYUZ Hungary 1,186 22 часа назад
Buyer Preview: 720 Clementina Street, San Francisco, SOMA 4K Kevin Ho + Jonathan McNarry, Vanguard Properties 3,216 5 месяцев назад
Soma Ending (Restored Ark Dialogue) SPOKLO 15,626 1 год назад
Course Info Session for Freshmen IIT Bombay - part 2 [IITBBC] IIT Bombay Broadcasting Channel 1,687 7 лет назад
The Lede Program Info Session Columbia Journalism School 844 10 лет назад
Introduction to Python Jonathan Soma 327 8 лет назад
D3 Class Review 3: Binding data to visual elements Jonathan Soma 478 5 лет назад
Scraping to a pandas CSV using BeautifulSoup and Python Jonathan Soma 442 1 год назад
Lazy Web Basics 3: Classes, IDs and CSS Jonathan Soma 498 7 лет назад
Columbia's M.S. in Data Journalism: An Introduction Columbia Journalism Admissions 596 3 года назад
DCJ Conference Indonesia 2022 - Day 4 | Machine learning for newsrooms DCJ Conference Indonesia 2022 17 2 года назад
How to build news applications with Svelte, Part 1 (JavaScript) Jonathan Soma 1,414 3 года назад