Kenny Pflug

Design Principles vs. Performance - Kenny Pflug Microsoft Developer User Group Graz 403 4 года назад
Dependency Inversion Principle - The Composite Pattern Kenny Pflug 2,477 9 лет назад
Beginning TDD - Extending the List implementation Kenny Pflug 428 10 лет назад
Beginning TDD - Triangulation and Structural Inspection Kenny Pflug 594 10 лет назад
Beginning TDD - General advise for automated tests Kenny Pflug 455 9 лет назад
Beginning TDD - Introduction and Setting Up the Project Kenny Pflug 2,169 10 лет назад
Light.GuardClauses - Introduction to the library Kenny Pflug 442 8 лет назад
Light.GuardClauses - What's new in version 2.0 Kenny Pflug 799 7 лет назад
Beginning TDD - Test Doubles and Behavior Verification Kenny Pflug 634 9 лет назад
138 Window und User Control in WPF Kenny Pflug 3,942 10 лет назад
17 If Else Kontrollflussstruktur in C# Kenny Pflug 1,649 11 лет назад
07 Die Main Methode in C# Konsolenanwendungen Kenny Pflug 3,400 11 лет назад