King Zøg

Disenchantment, King Zøg Honking Compilation : All Honks! Kudretli Poro 220,013 4 года назад
Royal exiles: King Zog of Albania & his wife, London 1940 Valentin Mandache 19,948 15 лет назад
Disenchantment, King Zøg: "Silence" (S01E01) Andriy Taras 9,907 6 лет назад
Disenchantment - All Hail King Zøg! Connor L. S. 9,205 4 года назад
Abandoned estate of Albanian King Zog Anna Buzz 544 11 месяцев назад
King Zog Buried Alive, Honking, Becoming Crazy - Disenchantment WHILE IT LASTED 75,920 3 года назад
King Zog I Summer Villa Bianca Gjomarkaj Nakovics 480 7 лет назад
Recollections of the Albanian Gendarmerie and King Zog Neil Rees 1,171 14 лет назад
King Zog-Albania in 1936 ealanaj 29,122 16 лет назад
KING ZOG'S SISTERS - SOUND British Movietone 1,896 9 лет назад
The Bizarre King Zog-King of Albania National Monarchy 15,068 3 года назад
King Zøg Czernobog 175 6 лет назад
Zog: King of the Bloodfeud Rare Earth 155,109 6 лет назад
King Zøg said Among Us PufferMintt 38 3 года назад
ALBANIA OBSERVES KING'S BIRTHDAY - SOUND British Movietone 1,893 9 лет назад
Parmoor House wartime home of King Zog of Albania Neil Rees 1,190 14 лет назад