Lost In The Pond

Americans Don't Do Sorry. Here's Why. Lost in the Pond 142,919 7 дней назад
6 American Cities That Completely Outgrew Their British Originals Lost in the Pond 131,184 2 месяца назад
US States That Kept Their British Names Lost in the Pond 91,581 55 лет назад
US Culture Shock: American Time Zones Lost in the Pond 224,829 55 лет назад
4 Ways British and American Malls Are Very Different Lost in the Pond 111,554 4 месяца назад
7 Questions Americans Always Ask Me About Britain and Its People Lost in the Pond 279,987 8 месяцев назад
The Secret Rules of Being an American Lost in the Pond 203,547 1 месяц назад
What's it Like Visiting America... as An American? Lost in the Pond 185,156 3 месяца назад
American Inventions That Changed Britain Forever - Part 2 Lost in the Pond 106,882 1 месяц назад
6 American Things I Can No Longer Live Without Lost in the Pond 676,107 5 месяцев назад
6 American Things I Can No Longer Live Without | PART 3 Lost in the Pond 435,133 3 месяца назад
7 Things Americans Have More of Than British People Lost in the Pond 233,954 3 месяца назад
American Inventions That Changed Britain Forever Lost in the Pond 213,073 2 месяца назад
Tasting American Shrimp and Grits For the First Time | British Verdict Lost in the Pond 134,061 1 месяц назад
Tasting American Gumbo For the First Time | British Verdict Lost in the Pond 159,312 55 лет назад
These US President Coincidences Blew My Mind Lost in the Pond 68,415 5 месяцев назад
6 Food Dishes I Only Discovered After Moving to America Lost in the Pond 611,755 8 месяцев назад
6 American Things I Can No Longer Live Without | PART 4 Lost in the Pond 165,102 1 месяц назад