Metalhead Productions

Lahar Effects Iron Scourge | Cannibal Corpse Dual Rec Tone Metalhead Productions 1,697 2 месяца назад
Frost Giant Electronics Little Acid Fuzz v2 | Windhand in a Box Metalhead Productions 596 4 месяца назад
Maxon St9 Pro+ | A Massively Underrated Overdrive Metalhead Productions 2,191 1 месяц назад
The Midrange of the 6505 and Dual Rectifier Metalhead Productions 833 8 месяцев назад
This Heavy Earth Hesher v3 | JCM800 Thrash Tones in a Box Metalhead Productions 1,356 3 месяца назад
JHS Hard Drive | Can JHS do Metal? Metalhead Productions 2,827 4 месяца назад
Obsidian Audio FX Devil Overdrive Metalhead Productions 1,806 1 месяц назад
Master Effects PMEQ Puppet Master EQ | Metallica Master of Puppets EQ Metalhead Productions 1,762 2 месяца назад
Do the Dual Rectifier and 5150 sound the same? | A Response to Glenn Fricker Metalhead Productions 8,026 8 месяцев назад
2024 ESP LTD MH-1000NT Metalhead Productions 2,979 4 месяца назад
Pepers' Pedals Far-Q parametric EQ | The Power of an EQ for Metal Guitars Metalhead Productions 947 3 месяца назад
TDSFX Sekhmet Overdrive Metalhead Productions 699 1 месяц назад
What Makes Fishman Fluence Different? (revisit) Metalhead Productions 672 3 месяца назад
XX121 (Nemesis Boost in mix music) Metalhead Productions 281 2 месяца назад
Master Effects Trinity Deluxe | Mesa Mark IIC+ in a Box Metalhead Productions 2,128 2 месяца назад
Corrigan Pickups F**kbucker Metalhead Productions 716 54 года назад
Bloodied Arrows in Sacred Flesh Metalhead Productions 356 4 месяца назад
Faceless (Mick Thomson Fishman Fluence In Mix) Metalhead Productions 397 5 месяцев назад
Lichtlaerm Audio Total Distortion Worship MKII Metalhead Productions 1,095 11 дней назад