Mike Saint Antoine

Lesson 0: Course Overview Mike Saint-Antoine 12,544 4 года назад
#103 Course Recap | Computational Systems Biology NPTEL-NOC IITM 3,264 5 лет назад
DEVIL SINGER SHOCKS SIMON COWELL with his ANGELIC VOICE! Top Viral Talent 12,649,913 4 года назад
Steady State Theory Explaining Science 49,672 4 года назад
Getting Into Bioinformatics With No Biology Background Mike Saint-Antoine 1,603 2 года назад
Lesson 1: What is Transcriptomics? Mike Saint-Antoine 834 11 месяцев назад
Neural Nets from Scratch in Julia [PART 2]: Defining "Value" Type Mike Saint-Antoine 188 8 месяцев назад
Linear Regression in R -- Easy Way First, Then From Scratch Mike Saint-Antoine 228 1 год назад
How to Teach Yourself Bioinformatics Mike Saint-Antoine 2,398 1 год назад
Neural Nets from Scratch in Julia [PART 1]: Introduction Mike Saint-Antoine 878 8 месяцев назад
Neural Nets from Scratch in Julia [PART 3]: Value Addition Mike Saint-Antoine 110 8 месяцев назад
Lesson 2: Python Code for Central Dogma Mike Saint-Antoine 5,224 4 года назад
PyTorch Melanoma Classifier 3: Convolutional Neural Net Mike Saint-Antoine 430 1 год назад
PyTorch Speed Comparison: NVIDIA 3070 GPU vs Apple M3 CPU vs Apple GPU Mike Saint-Antoine 3,134 3 месяца назад