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Cobra 148GTL restoration and Channel King board installation. MikesRadioRepair 2,328 7 лет назад
Rare DAK VI SSB 40 channel AM/SSB mobile CB radio. MikesRadioRepair 6,899 6 лет назад
Uniden Madison (4th generation) and Grant LT rebuilds. MikesRadioRepair 4,820 6 лет назад
Realistic TRC-456 CB-Fone restoration. MikesRadioRepair 4,425 6 лет назад
Adding a tone/noise filter to any radio. MikesRadioRepair 30,252 6 лет назад
How to properly install a microphone plug that won't fail. MikesRadioRepair 6,648 8 лет назад
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GE 3-5875A SuperBase CB radio repair and restoration. MikesRadioRepair 19,962 6 лет назад
ECI Courier 23 early tube type CB radio restoration. MikesRadioRepair 12,874 6 лет назад