Mount Olive Minneapolis

Worship, The Nativity of Our Lord Christmas Eve - 12-24-24 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 444 8 дней назад
Hymn, "How Beautiful, O God, How Good" Mount Olive, Minneapolis 100 4 года назад
Worship, The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Lect. 17 B - 07-28-24 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 633 5 месяцев назад
Worship, The Feast of the Name of Jesus - 1-1-25 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 177 1 день назад
Postlude, Mount Olive Lutheran, July 14, 2019 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 5,978 5 лет назад
Worship, The Nativity of Our Lord Christmas Day - 12-25-24 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 239 8 дней назад
Worship, The Day of Thanksgiving, year B - 11-28-24 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 197 1 месяц назад
1965 Schlicker organ - Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota Organ Media Foundation 76,850 5 лет назад
Worship, Day of Thanksgiving, year A - 11-26-20 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 310 4 года назад
ELW 256, "Comfort, Comfort Now My People" Mount Olive, Minneapolis 392 4 года назад
Holy Eucharist, with the funeral of Lawrence Crosby - 03-23-24 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 407 9 месяцев назад
Worship, The Second Sunday of Advent, year C - 12-08-24 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 242 54 года назад
Holy Eucharist, with the funeral of Naomi Peterson - 06-08-24 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 277 6 месяцев назад
O Love, How Deep, ELW 322 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 500 4 года назад
Worship, The Third Sunday of Advent, year C - 12-15-24 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 274 54 года назад
Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty, ELW 533 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 880 4 года назад
ELW 858, "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" Mount Olive, Minneapolis 446 3 года назад
Worship, The Third Sunday in Lent, year A - 3-12-23 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 255 1 год назад
Advent Procession Liturgy - 12-01-24 Mount Olive, Minneapolis 322 1 месяц назад