Nastya And Maggie

Nastya and Maggie had a sleepover Like Nastya Show 5,730,984 1 год назад
Nastya, Maggie and Naomi - DIY for kids Like Nastya 220,189,586 2 года назад
Nastya and Maggie are treating everything Like Nastya Collections 42,699,928 1 год назад
Nastya and Maggie in the kids story about the magic wand Like Nastya 55,862,940 3 года назад
Nastya and Maggie first sleepover - Pajama party for kids Like Nastya GB 14,345,730 3 месяца назад
Maggie plays on Playground in the Park! Maggie and Shanti 20,988,557 3 года назад
Guesses the Best BOYFRIEND Blindfolded ft/ Brent Rivera Nastya 17,516,714 1 год назад
Nastya takes care of the baby who got lost in the toy store Like Nastya 147,115,673 3 года назад
Maggie and Diana - stories about being kind and share with friends Maggie and Shanti 36,752,012 2 года назад
Nastya and her friends are playing a mysterious challenge Like Nastya 466,792,598 4 года назад
Nastya and Young Dylan - My birthday Has Come (official music video) Like Nastya 191,676,026 2 года назад
Nastya and Evelyn help each other as best friends Like Nastya 151,905,483 1 год назад
A collection of videos for children about the adventures of Nastya and friends Like Nastya Collections 71,580,047 1 год назад
Nastya is learning the rules of behavior when visiting a friend. Like Nastya 39,108,796 3 года назад
Nastya learns from Meggie the rules of the Princesses Like Nastya 130,244,149 4 года назад
Nastya learns how important it is to read books Like Nastya 34,089,341 2 года назад
Nastya and Maggie try to be good babysitters Like Nastya 72,544,386 3 года назад
Nastya and Maggie buy new toys for princesses Like Nastya Collections 4,953,353 1 год назад
Nastya and Maggie make DIY for little Naomi Like Nastya Collections 4,170,850 2 месяца назад
Nastya and sleepover dance with Maggie Like Nastya 20,907,602 1 год назад
Nastya and Maggie's overnight stay Like Nastya Collections 295,514 4 месяца назад
Maggie Wants to Be a Good Sister for Naomi - new best series for kids Maggie and Shanti 11,898,975 3 года назад
Nastya y Maggie intentan ser buenas niñeras Like Nastya ESP 16,650,888 3 года назад
Nastya and Maggie teach Naomi professions Like Nastya Collections 2,991,034 8 месяцев назад
Nastya and Maggie take care of their sister - Video series for kids Like Nastya GB 314,977 5 месяцев назад
Nastya and Maggie Nastya Artem Mia 34,762,405 5 лет назад
Little Naomi learns professions with Nastya and Maggie Like Nastya Collections 586,003 1 месяц назад
Nastya Built 5 Secret Rooms You’d Never Find Nastya 11,840,350 5 месяцев назад