Nonlocal Translation

Non-local Game of Life in 2D Quasicrystals - Quasi-translation Quasicrystal Physics 233 6 лет назад
Non-local Game of Life in 2D Quasicrystals - Quasi-translation Quasicrystal Physics 120 6 лет назад
Nonlocal Consciousness and Religion with Stephan A. Schwartz New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove 8,901 5 месяцев назад
Compiled Nonlocal Games: From CHSH to BQP Verification Simons Institute 948 1 год назад
H100i V2 bracket removal Nonlocal Translation 2,661 7 лет назад
Non-local Game of Life in 2D Quasicrystals - Walk of Life Quasicrystal Physics 67 6 лет назад
Ovidiu Savin, From second order equations to nonlocal PDEs Clay Mathematics Institute 424 4 года назад
Anna Balci - Local and Nonlocal Zaremba Problems with Degenerate Weights Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) 26 55 лет назад
Disentangled Non local Neural Networks Tony Shin 1,246 4 года назад
Larry Dossey: Nonlocal Memory and the Survival of Personality Science and Nonduality 13,704 7 лет назад
Lexical problems of translation Samigova 347 4 года назад