
What is Orchiopexy at Cook Children's? Cook Children's Health Care System 22,840 7 лет назад
Core Videos (2019): Inguinal Orchiopexy for Undescended Testis AUAUniversity 56,683 4 года назад
Dr. Sean Henderson - Orchiopexy Dr. Sean Henderson - Urology 4,389 1 год назад
Age at Orchiopexy JPS Review StayCurrentMD 428 3 года назад
Orchiopexy surgery for both sided Undescended testis in a child- Dr A.K.Singal, Mumbai, India Pediatric Urology & Hypospadias Channel 383,643 10 лет назад
TAPP with Orchidopexy with voice over ashwin thangavelu 3,420 6 лет назад
UW Pediatric Urology Grand Rounds: "How I Do It: Scrotal Orchiopexy" – 7/13/2022 University of Wisconsin Department of Urology 2,781 2 года назад
Laparoscopic Orchidopexy StayCurrentMD 11,608 3 года назад
First Stage SF Orchiopexy for undescended testis: high abdominal in a child Child Surgeon Rasik Shah 83,263 10 лет назад
Internal anatomy after single stage laparoscopic orchiopexy Child Surgeon Rasik Shah 719 8 лет назад
Scrotal Orchiopexy Carlos Villanueva 44,768 5 лет назад
Indications for orchidopexy Christopher Bayne 406 2 года назад