Paintman Journeying

Woh woh woh it's Magic! And I'm taking a focused look at painting it. Paintman Journeying 1,213 1 год назад
Going crazy with Colour Wheel Contrasts in a model to model relay. Paintman Journeying 2,322 2 года назад
Painting a played with army || Phase 2 of the Space Dwarfs Paintman Journeying 2,634 1 год назад
So I paint a Dwarf in nothing but blue, you know, to figure it out. Paintman Journeying 2,252 1 год назад
Paint between plays: Session 1 || First layers of the Sci Fi Dwarves Paintman Journeying 3,221 1 год назад
Paints are Liars! - Explaining Colour shift Paintman Journeying 2,047 1 год назад
Creative coloured rock is just a Stones Throne away. Paintman Journeying 706 3 года назад
Two-color Color Schemes: Lizards, Rocks and Trees. Paintman Journeying 3,052 2 года назад
Prouduct Reveal: My First Adventure Paint. Paintman Journeying 509 2 года назад
A Sinister grin on a War demon in this Copycat Colour Scheme. Paintman Journeying 1,758 2 года назад
Digital Wireframe on a painted model. Paintman Journeying 809 2 года назад
Priming miniatures with just a brush? Yep that's Valid Paintman Journeying 33,826 1 год назад
Simple and Advanced Leather techniques on OPR Beastmen Paintman Journeying 1,724 3 года назад
Painting Space SPACE! #OPR Paintman Journeying 2,651 2 года назад
Painting pearlescents without colour shift paints. Paintman Journeying 1,343 3 года назад
Beginner friendly white, where every colour ends with a pure white. Paintman Journeying 2,285 2 года назад
I 'borrow' this famous Zelda bird's colour scheme for my model! Paintman Journeying 2,120 1 год назад
Create the right environment for your minis with Warm and Cool Colours. Paintman Journeying 1,562 2 года назад