Pioneering Spirit

Pioneering Spirit: The Largest Construction Ship in the World Megaprojects 129,589 7 месяцев назад
Pioneering Spirit removes third platform from Shell's Brent field Muddassar Iqbal 63,514 4 года назад
PIONEERING SPIRIT - I mkc1 46,705 5 лет назад
5 years of Pioneering Spirit Allseas 25,283 2 года назад
Pioneering Spirit construction time lapse film Allseas 24,172 2 года назад
Pioneering Spirit returns to Lerwick Harbour, Shetland Islands. Lerwick Port Authority 2,912 3 месяца назад
Pioneer Spirit - Aaron Coe Passion City Church 4,858 3 года назад
Pioneering Spirit first heavy lift HD Silvan T. Paganini 164,461 8 лет назад
Largest Construction Vessel In The World - Pioneering Spirit Ship Channel 2,141 2 года назад
Pioneering Spirit removing the Yme topsides HD Upstream Online 341,801 8 лет назад
"Pioneering Spirit" Departure Rotterdam Heavy Lift Specialist 91,038 8 лет назад
Pioneering Spirit removing the Brent Delta topsides HD Redactie DeIngenieur 725,068 7 лет назад
Pioneering Spirit - The largest construction vessel in the world wat een uitzicht 1,391 4 года назад
Pioneering Spirit in pipelay mode 01 Allseas 140 1 месяц назад
Pioneering Spirit - 2023 - The Bernard Baruch The New York Racing Association, Inc. 4,753 1 год назад