Reppin Nature

Megalithic Dolmen Converted into a Chapel in Portugal reppin’ nature 232 8 дней назад
Were megalithic passage mounds built to create energy? reppin’ nature 281 1 месяц назад
Giant Prehistoric Dolmen in Spain Built with Megalithic Technology reppin’ nature 1,016 1 месяц назад
Menhirs: What was their purpose? Were they ceremonial or functional? reppin’ nature 171 2 месяца назад
Giant Prehistoric Dolmen in Spain Built with Megalithic Technology? reppin’ nature 162 2 месяца назад
Out of place artefacts in Egypt: Made with some form of ancient technology? reppin’ nature 2,623 3 месяца назад
Can you name these 5 incredible megalithic structures? reppin’ nature 5,824 2 месяца назад
How do you think the Ancient Egyptians cut this granite sarcophagus? reppin’ nature 186,889 1 месяц назад
Were dolmens really used as burial chambers? reppin’ nature 423 1 год назад
Have we lost our awe and wonder of the magic of nature? reppin’ nature 342 2 года назад
Ancient Sacred Spirals on a Strange Megalith reppin’ nature 1,097 4 месяца назад
The Heel Stone at Stonehenge… reppin’ nature 296 1 год назад
Look at the size of these blocks at the Pyramids… reppin’ nature 3,038 1 месяц назад